Short:        GadTools support object file, incl. src.
Author:       Jim Steichen (
Uploader:     Jim Steichen (jimbot frontiernet net)
Type:         dev/src
Version:      4.0
Requires:     C-Compiler of some sort (SAS-C (or gcc) recommended).
Architecture: ppc-amigaos; m68k-amigaos

    Functions that get used a lot for GUI programming, especially for
    GadToolsBox-generated GUIs.  This file is used to generate 
    CommonFuncs.o - a Link-able Object for the SAS-C (V6.58) compiler,
    or CommonFuncsPPC.o - a Link-able Object for the gcc V4.0.4+ compiler.

    This a link-able object because there are far too many shared 
    libraries for the Amiga OS as it is, I couldn't see cluttering 
    someone's hard drive with another one (especially my own!).

    25-Mar-2005 - Rewrote all functions to utilize Locale'ized
	               Strings in
    31-Jan-2005 - Added GetUserString() Requester code (V3.4).

    24-Jan-2005 - Replaced all string.h functions with their
                  equivalent functions in libstringfuncs.a (V3.3).

    James T. Steichen
    2217 N. Tamarack Dr.
    Slayton, Mn. 56172-1155, USA
    jimbot at