Short:        Shell archive utils and uuencode/decode. V4.2
Author:       Free Software Foundation
Type:         dev/ade
Version:      4.2
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Origin:       Amiga Development Environment,

`shar' makes so-called shell archives out of many files, preparing
them for transmission by electronic mail services.  `unshar' helps
unpacking shell archives after reception.  The core of both programs
is initially derived from public domain.  Some modules and other
code sections are freely borrowed from other GNU distributions,
bringing `shar' under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

`uuencode' prepares a file for transmission over an electronic
channel which ignores or otherwise mangles the eight bit (high
order bit) of bytes.  `uudecode' does the converse transformation.
They are derived from the BSD NET/2 distribution.  If you have more
powerful `uuencode' and `uudecode' already available, you may want
to use `./configure --disable-uucode' to prevent their installation.