sf_vblast.lha |
util/virus |
3381 |
20K |
1996-01-15 |
Tool for destroyin resident prgs/viruses - (readme) |
sf_demo.lha |
1.9/1.5 |
util/virus |
4184 |
132K |
1996-05-06 |
SiegfriedCopy1.9-Demo-Antivirus1.5-Demo - (readme) |
Schwarzkopf.lha |
util/virus |
4071 |
3K |
2016-08-02 |
The First Saddam Killer and Repair - (readme) |
Safe14_5.lha |
14.5 (01.01.2001) |
util/virus |
4731 |
19K |
2001-01-07 |
Safe v14.5 - virus dicovering system - (readme) |
Safe.lha |
18.0 (20.06.2002) |
util/virus |
5100 |
18K |
2002-06-23 |
Chaff file/virus memory killer v18.0 - (readme) |
resident_virus_protect.lha |
3.03 rev 152 |
util/virus |
3866 |
83K |
2018-10-24 |
Virus Protector 3.03 rev 152 - (readme) |
resident260296.lha |
util/virus |
4639 |
27K |
1996-03-08 |
Resident.library 1.417 (26.02.96) - (readme) |
PatchLoadSeg.lha |
1.20 |
util/virus |
4546 |
6K |
1990-03-21 |
Patches loadseg to detect link viruses. V1.20 - (readme) |
Mill.lha |
(24.11.2003) |
util/virus |
5206 |
163K |
2003-11-30 |
Polish antivirus - (readme) |
mill-media.lha |
(01.09.2002) |
util/virus |
4786 |
634K |
2002-09-01 |
Choose Your sample for MILL! - (readme) |
memcheck.lha |
6.0 |
util/virus |
4917 |
5K |
1998-08-21 |
MEMCHECK 6.0 - Mini virus checker/killer - (readme) |
mav12.lha |
util/virus |
4742 |
6K |
1993-03-21 |
Stores and verifies all system vectors - (readme) |
maus_demo_132.lha |
util/virus |
4631 |
208K |
1993-05-19 |
anti virus tool & systemmonitor - (readme) |
lvd173.lha |
util/virus |
4671 |
8K |
1992-08-15 |
Link Virus Detector - (readme) |
killhappy.lha |
util/virus |
5134 |
11K |
1996-06-16 |
Removes the \"Happy New Year 96\" virus. - (readme) |
Integrity.lha |
1.3 (27.01.2002) |
util/virus |
4821 |
10K |
2002-02-08 |
Professional virus detection tool v1.3 - (readme) |
IncubatorV100.lha |
util/virus |
4461 |
11K |
1994-10-05 |
Background virusdetector that check files before they - (readme) |
Htmv9514.lha |
util/virus |
4576 |
51K |
1995-04-12 |
How to make a viruskiller - (readme) |
Hack9520.lha |
util/virus |
4570 |
9K |
1995-05-12 |
Amiga Hack Report, Info about trojans/vira etc. - (readme) |
Hack9514.lha |
util/virus |
4543 |
8K |
1995-04-12 |
Amiga hack report, info about trojans etc. - (readme) |
Giga-Checker.lha |
1.1 |
util/virus |
4133 |
4K |
2016-07-31 |
Ancient Simple Virus Killer with Source - (readme) |
fungicide18.lha |
1.8 |
util/virus |
4756 |
9K |
1999-02-09 |
Finds new STD trojan/viriis + fully featured killer - (readme) |
FuckCheck.lha |
util/virus |
4596 |
28K |
1993-06-09 |
Checker for the fuck virus - (readme) |
filevirus28.lha |
util/virus |
4757 |
27K |
1996-08-17 |
Filevirus library 2.8 - detect and remove fileviruses - (readme) |
FileShield.lha |
1.8 (01.08.99) |
util/virus |
4674 |
28K |
1999-09-16 |
Protect Your executables against linkviruses! - (readme) |
FEA53.lha |
util/virus |
4722 |
40K |
1994-03-13 |
Virus checker, checks lots of things in memory - (readme) |
FastKiller.lha |
util/virus |
4899 |
147K |
1998-02-10 |
New virus-killer (1.17) - (readme) |
evw.lha |
util/virus |
4898 |
12K |
1994-05-21 |
Early Virus Warning. v2.22 - (readme) |
DZT.lha |
1.2 |
util/virus |
4764 |
2K |
1999-08-01 |
ZAKAPIOR TROJAN De-activator - (readme) |
Diskcheckv209.lha |
util/virus |
4506 |
6K |
1994-10-05 |
Checks a disk for changes made to it, eg. linkvira - (readme) |
Comkil14.lha |
util/virus |
4654 |
4K |
1994-09-29 |
Killer for the new and dangerous Commander virus - (readme) |
CheckFile210.lha |
2.10 |
util/virus |
4657 |
20K |
1996-10-16 |
Virus Check Arc\'s & Exe\'s For Viruses (BEST) - (readme) |
CheckArc1_10.lha |
1.10 |
util/virus |
4659 |
11K |
1996-10-26 |
This script scans RECURSIVELY your archives for VIRUSES - (readme) |
checkarc.lha |
1.00 |
util/virus |
5450 |
10K |
1996-10-23 |
This script scans RECURSIVELY your archives for VIRUSES - (readme) |
bxrec225.lha |
util/virus |
5625 |
70K |
1995-09-07 |
BootX Recog 2.25 (27.8.95) - (readme) |
BX5.23b.lha |
util/virus |
5540 |
344K |
1994-07-14 |
Util/virus - (readme) |
BootX_V5.23.lha |
util/virus |
5924 |
264K |
1993-01-13 |
Good virus checker for OS 2.x and newer - (readme) |
BootBase.lha |
util/virus |
5754 |
29K |
1990-08-11 |
Bootblock save and restore utility. - (readme) |
bigbrother312.lzh |
util/virus |
5937 |
27K |
1994-03-26 |
virus snaring program plus extras - (readme) |
BerserkerV.lha |
5.02 |
util/virus |
5140 |
18K |
2016-07-29 |
Ancient Virus Killer missing Source - (readme) |
Berserker.lha |
4.1 |
util/virus |
5147 |
25K |
2016-07-28 |
Ancient Virus Killer with Source - (readme) |
BBBF109u.lha |
util/virus |
5653 |
18K |
1995-05-12 |
Bootblock brainfile, user release - (readme) |
BBBF109p.lha |
util/virus |
5676 |
37K |
1995-05-12 |
BootBlock brainfile programmers package - (readme) |
AVL1094.lha |
util/virus |
5827 |
178K |
1994-07-14 |
Anti-virus.libraries for amiga programs - (readme) |
avd.lha |
util/virus |
6039 |
53K |
1997-10-01 |
Agressive Virus Detector V2.4 - (readme) |
AntiCicloVir.lha |
2.4 |
util/virus |
5629 |
116K |
1995-03-23 |
Link/File/BB/Validator/Memory virus elim - (readme) |
AntiBeol_133.lha |
util/virus |
5665 |
10K |
1997-09-22 |
Mem viruskiller for the new Packetviruses - (readme) |
amavtest.txt |
util/virus |
5061 |
35K |
1995-03-23 |
Results of an AntiVirus test made by S. Freitag - (readme) |
2b_VectorView.lha |
1.0 (4.02.96) |
util/virus |
5732 |
3K |
1996-03-22 |
Small & useful program to controll system vectors. - (readme) |
2b_ChkVectors.lha |
util/virus |
8772 |
17K |
1998-09-08 |
Check system vectors - (readme) |