Short:        EInstaller (easy installer + portacall gui)
Author: (member of portacall)
Uploader:     mehmet mboran fsnet co uk (member of portacall)
Type:         util/sys
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Freeware/giftware


test install dummy.config to your location..

einstaller/esetup by portacall version 1
i hate writen pages to install programs so i have created a tool can make my
& your life easyer.

-not much to say there is a guide for it.
-easy to use just some clicks & there you go ready to install.
-you can use esetup/einstaller to move / install files in your own hard disk.

v1 in beta stage
use at your own risk

>added paboot in beta version but will be removed on next version.
>some changes made after guide writen.(not explained in guide)

>not sure if eInstaller going to be in  downloads
since server not back from holiday. 

if you did download any portacall app/tools & can not get them running
you need 640x512 atleast but not einstaller needs 320x256.

thats all...

see for any up2datedversions....