Short:        Ilbmdt for the PPC, running WarpUP (45.11)
Author:       Stephan Rupprecht <>
Uploader:     stephan rupprecht gmx de
Type:         util/dtype
Requires:     OS3, 020+ cpu, ppc603+, pictdtv43+
Architecture: ppc-warpup

 45.10 internal version.
 45.11 fixed decoding of truecolor images with alpha. Thanks to Jan-Erik
       Karlsson for reporting the bug and sending a sample image.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   19232    8923 53.6% 25-Dec-03 18:21:00 +ilbm.datatype
    7730    3514 54.5% 25-Dec-03 18:20:12 +ilbmdtPPC.doc
    9787    4314 55.9% 06-Nov-03 20:45:46 +ilbmdtPPC_espaƱol.doc
     716     478 33.2% 06-Nov-03 20:45:46 +PlayCdPatch
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   37465   17229 54.0% 25-Dec-03 18:21:20   4 files