Short: Datatype picture viewer & benchmark V1.1 Author: (Jan Uerpmann) Uploader: J Uerpmann tu-bs de (Jan Uerpmann) Type: util/dtype Version: 1.1 Requires: OS 3.1 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Benchmark Programm für Datatypes V1.1 Overview ~~~~~~~~ PicBench is a picture viewer and benchmark program using datatypes. Purpose ~~~~~~~ Show pictures or benchmark your datatypes. The program is capable of timing the call of NewDTObjectA(). Included are benchmarks of akJFIF.datatype running on 040-25/PPC604e-200 and 060-50/PPC604e-200 and a batch file used to create them. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just copy the drawer anywhere you like. Included Material ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Included are some benchmarks of the akJFIF.datatype by Andreas Kleinert. There are some speed comparisons between 68040-25, 68060-25 and PPC604e-200. The tests were done using the batchfile 'BenchMark' (The JPEG-images can be found on Aminet, see akJFIF.Benchmark) using various prefs. The results (speed increase relative to 040-25) are shown in three diagrams: NoDither.PNG and Dither.PNG: This diagrams shows the speed increase while loading the specified image with 'Dither=None (V43)' and 'Dither=Floyd-Steinberg (V40)'. Speed.PNG: The average speed increase is shown. (Notice the influence of the 68k CPU!) If you have another configuration (anyone with a 604-233 or better?) you are free to send them to me ;-) (There will be a website soon at <> showing the results)