Short:        Datatype picture viewer & benchmark V1.1
Author: (Jan Uerpmann)
Uploader:     J Uerpmann tu-bs de (Jan Uerpmann)
Type:         util/dtype
Version:      1.1
Requires:     OS 3.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Kurz:         Benchmark Programm für Datatypes V1.1


 PicBench is a picture viewer and benchmark program using datatypes.


 Show pictures or benchmark your datatypes. The program is capable
 of timing the call of NewDTObjectA().

 Included are benchmarks of akJFIF.datatype running on
 040-25/PPC604e-200 and 060-50/PPC604e-200 and a batch
 file used to create them.


 Just copy the drawer anywhere you like.

Included Material

 Included are some benchmarks of the akJFIF.datatype by Andreas Kleinert.
 There are some speed comparisons between 68040-25, 68060-25 and PPC604e-200.

 The tests were done using the batchfile 'BenchMark' (The JPEG-images can
 be found on Aminet, see akJFIF.Benchmark) using various prefs.
 The results (speed increase relative to 040-25) are shown in three diagrams:

 NoDither.PNG and Dither.PNG:
  This diagrams shows the speed increase while loading the specified
  image with 'Dither=None (V43)' and 'Dither=Floyd-Steinberg (V40)'.

  The average speed increase is shown. (Notice the influence of the 68k CPU!)

 If you have another configuration (anyone with a 604-233 or better?) you
 are free to send them to me ;-)

 (There will be a website soon at
 <> showing the results)