Short:        New Datatype for JPEG Images (46.4)
Author: (Achim Stegemann)
Uploader:     achimste gmx de (Achim Stegemann)
Type:         util/dtype
Version:      46.4
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup

Requires minimum:
 * OS 3.5

Additionally recommended:
 * MUI 3.8 for the preferences.


This JPEG datatype is for OS 3.5/3.9 only !!
Download util/dtype/JPEG-DT.lha under OS 3.0 or OS 3.1 !!


With the help of the jpeg.datatype, your datatype sytem is able to read JPEG images.

This datatype is freeware and can be used for any purpose !

##### Why another datatype for JPEG images ? #####

Well there are many of them available on the Aminet, but this has two unbeatable
advantages !!

1. It is very short, only about 8 kB !! Why ? Because it does not contain the JPEG
de/encoder in the datatype itself.
The datatype uses the jpeg.library from Paul Huxham for the JPEG de/encoding
from the latest JPEG V6b release, so it is up-to-date.

2. It can write JPEG files when using the DTMW_RAW flag in the DTM_WRITE method !!


Changes since version 46.3
* Cleaned up ramlib-stuff (thx to Oliver Roberts).
  jpeg.library (WarpOS version) works again with datatype, no crashed with IPrefs :)