Short:        Fix FAXX-dt 43.12 installation
Author:       Dr Greg Perry (GPSoftware), Andreas R. Kleinert
Uploader:     Andreas_Kleinert t-online de
Type:         util/dtype
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

 This is a fix (information) for FAXX-dt 43.12,
 as found under Aminet:util/dtype/FAXX-dt.lha.

 Note: The installation script will fail during
       execution, since there's the 'c' directory
       (with the necessary 'spatch' utitility)
       accidentally missing.

       Until this gets fixed as with V43.13,
       please take that tool from somewhere
       else and do the following before
       trying to install FAXX-dt (e.g.
       fromout a Shell):

           MakeDir FAXX-Datatype/c
           Copy spatch FAXX-Datatype/c

       Spatch for example does come with the
       following packages (same location):
