Short: Change the behaviour of the zoom-button. Author: (Adam Waldenberg) Uploader: chaozer algonet se (Adam Waldenberg) Type: util/cdity Version: 0.10 Architecture: ppc-morphos Copyright & Distribution: ************************* Zapper v0.10 Copyright © 2004-2005 by Adam Waldenberg Zapper is distributed as FREEWARE. This software can be freely distributed as long as no more than the nominal fee is charged to cover the time and copying costs and as long as the archive remains intact and unchanged. No commercial usage is permitted without a written permission from me. (the author) The makers of the AMINET CDs, have my permission to distribute this software on their AMINET CDs. I am not responssible for any loss of data or any damage of your software/hardware. Use it at your own risk! Introduction: ************* Zapper modifies the behaviour of the ZipWindow() function in intuition. Instead of resizing the window to the alternate zoom values it will maximize the window full-screen (avoiding the titlebar if there is one). It is also capable of smart-resizing the window (making it bigger) over the currently available empty desktop/screen space (where there are no other windows). Requirements: ************* MorphOS 1.4+ Usage: ****** You start zapper by double-clicking on it's icon or by shell. Start it twice or send it a CTRL-C/CTRL-D to quit it. Press the zoom-button in a window to maximize or smart-resize a window. When you want the old position back you press the button again (presuming you didn't move or resize the window in question.) If a window is moved or resized after an upsizing by zapper; the window won't be zipped back to the old position, instead it will be maximized/smart-resized. Here follows a list of arguments/tooltypes that can be passed to zapper: FORGETONRESIZEONLY ------------------ Zapper stores the previous position of the window before zapper upsizes it. The normal behaviour is to throw away the old position if the window is moved or resized. If you enable this option positions will only be dumped if the window is resized, not moved. IGNORESCREENTITLE ----------------- If enabled, Zapper won't take the current screens titlebar into account when upsizing the window. (By default zapper avoids covering the screens titlebar) NOPUSHTOFRONT ------------- If enabled, windows won't be pushed to the front when upsized by zapper. TITLEONLY --------- This option only makes sense if you have assigned a hotkey via IControl to the zoom functionality. If it is enabled the hotkey-event is ignored unless the mouse-pointer is in the windows titlebar. SMARTRESIZE ----------- If you enable this you change the default behaviour of zapper. Instead of just maximizing windows it will smart-resize them and try to find a suitable empty space on the desktop/screen to upsize into. Allready overlapped/overlapping windows are ignored in the calculations. MAXQUALIFIER=<qualifier> ------------------------ This tooltype is only used/needed if SMARTRESIZE is enabled. With the help of this tooltype you can force zapper to use normal maximizing instead of smart-resize. Just specify a key-qualifier (ralt, lalt, lshift, rcommand etc...) and then press it when you press the windows zoom-button if you want ordinary maximizing. Changes (Since 0.9) ******************* - Zapper can now ignore screen titlebars. - CTRL-C was broken before. Fixed. Contact: ******** This is how you contact me... Webpg: Email: Thanks MUST go to: ****************** André "JoBBo" Siegel - For the great looking icons!