Short:        Special Character Input (FREEWARE)
Author:       Micro Design (Richard West & Daniel Pimley)
Uploader:     westy microdesign org (Richard West)
Type:         util/cdity
Version:      1.11
Requires:     OS2 + MUI 3.8
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Imagine:  you're  writing an email and need one of those foreign chars
that  is  not  on  your U.K. keymap, you're typing on IRC and you want
one  of  the  fun  comedy  chars  you see people using, or you're just
writing a letter and you want the new Euro symbol. What do you do?

Well,  you hit the hotkey for Latin Map, of course! It is a simple MUI
window  that  gives  you access to those displayable characters not on
the  usual  U.K. keyboard and so usually impossible to type, much like
the Special Character window available in Microsoft Word.

As of v1.1 we have implemented a clip unit slider and a tab chain!