Short:        Commodity output lowercase when CapsLock+Shift
Author: (Rob Lyman)
Uploader:     wrlyman interaccess com (Rob Lyman)
Type:         util/cdity
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

When you hold down a Shift key while the CapsLock is turned on 
and press a letter on an IBM keyboard, you get a lower case letter--
very useful if you are typing a string of upper case characters and 
need to put in a single lower case one.  An Amiga you get an upper 
case character in the same situation.  As much as I like the Amiga, I 
prefer the IBM method of operation for the keyboard.

This commodity does just that.  When active, it watches the input 
stream.  Any alphabet characters (including foreign characters, e.g. 
æ, ò) coming through that have both CapsLock and a Shift key active 
are converted to lower case.  Numbers (0-9) and symbol characters 
(#,>,\) are unaffected.  InvertCase uses the keymap.library, and is 
aware of foreign keyboards (e.g. German, French, Dvorak).