Short:        Does things with the clipboard
Author: (Heikki Linnakangas)
Uploader:     linna mits mdata fi (Heikki Linnakangas)
Type:         util/cdity
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

ClipWizard is a commodity that waits for the clipboard contents to change.
When it's changed, it scans the "matchfile", and if it finds a string
that matches the clipboard contents, it executes the command line specified
in the matchfile. The executed program can do many things, eg. join the
clipboard contents to your own notebook, dial a number with your modem or
even take an ftp-connection and download the latest version of ClipWizard :).

Featurs include:

- ClipWizard is a commodity
- Easy to use install-script
- Amigaguide documentation
- A flexible matchfile format
- Case-sensitivity/Case-insensitivity
- Can include the Clipboard contents in the command line
- Powerful ARexx port