Short:        Unix .shar dearchiver for PPC (WarpOS), incl. source
Author:       Eddy Carroll
Uploader:     MagicSN Birdland es bawue de
Type:         util/arc
Architecture: ppc-warpup

 The docs originally said about this program

  "Unshar is a utility which extracts files from the ubiquitous
   Unix shar  archives.    It has the following advantages over
   existing unshar utilities:

               - Small and fast
               - Handles many cat and sed formats
               - Allows extraction of subdirectories
               - Understands ./file type filenames
               - Understands file continuation with >>
               - Sorts file list by Subject: line
               - Exits cleanly with CTRL-C"

 This is a port for WarpOS PPC systems.

 The program itself does seem to work fine.

 SPH, 12/Apr/98