Short:        Mime64 encoder/decoder, 68k + PPC, incl. source
Author:       Karl Hahn, Andreas R. Kleinert (port)
Uploader:     Andreas_Kleinert t-online de
Type:         util/arc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-powerup

 Another base64 MIME decoder/encoder - this time
 in a version for 68k and PPC machines.

 Has been tested, seems to work fine - included BTW
 is the original program archive as mime file (mime.64)

 You may do some 68k <-> PPC speed comparisions,
 if you like - has not been done yet.

 The ELF module can be run by using either SAS/C's "RunElf"
 launching tool or directly from the shell after you installed
 the "ElfLoadSeg" patch from phase5.

 Don't forget to do a

     Protect #?.elf +e

 on the ELF binary, first.

 Have fun!

 ARK, 12/Apr/98