Short:        Zip v2.2 .ZIP archive creator
Author:       Bunch of people (see documentation)
Uploader:     rraWedor metrodowntown com
Type:         util/arc
Version:      v5.31, fUnZip v3.92
Replaces:     util/arc/Zip.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Zip v2.2 .ZIP archive creator.  Creates .ZIP archives compatible with PKZip

Note that if you use Zip with QWK or other offline mail readers, you probably
want to use Zip v1.0 or lower, since most BBSs seem to only use PKZip v1.10 or
lower to extract reply packets uploaded, and v1.10 can't unarchive files
archived by Zip v2.1 unless you use the zero compression option.

If anyone requires an earlier version of Zip (the latest one I could still find
is version 0.93), I can upload it.  Just write me and ask.  If anyone has a
version closer or equal to 1.0, please let *me* know!  :)

In addition to the following from the WHATSNEWS text file included in the
archive, it appears that there is no longer a seperate encrypting and
non-encrypting version, and there is no ZipCloak command in the case of the
encrypting version.

New things in zip 2.2

- BEOS port by Chris Herborth
- QDOS port by Jonathan Hudson
- TANDEM port by Dave Smith
- WINDLL port (16-bit Win 3.x and 32-bit WinNT/Win95) by Mike White
- SYSV packages support by John Bush
- zip -P SeCrEt encrypts entries in the zip file with password SeCrEt
  (WARNING: THIS IS INSECURE, use at your own risk)
- zip -R recurses into subdirectories of current dir like "PKZIP -rP"
- zip -x@exclude.lst excludes files specified in the file exclude.lst
- zip -i@include.lst includes files specified in the file include.lst
- zip -@ only handles one filename per line, but supports whitespace in names
- zip -t ddmmyyyy, 4 digit year number for uniqueness of years beyond 2000
- zip -tt ddmmyyyy only includes files before a specified date

Readme created with ARC 2.0 - Copyright (c)1996-97 by Jens Weyer.