Short:        DeTar for Amiga (68000/030) V1.3, incl. source
Uploader:     Andreas_Kleinert t-online de
Type:         util/arc
Replaces:     DeTar12.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                                DeTar V1.3

                              - PUBLIC DOMAIN -

          ported and re-written in 1994-97 by Andreas R. Kleinert.
          based on code for MS-DOS written in 1988 by Steve R. Sampson

          This program was written under OS V3.1 and is therefore
          fully compatible. It needs OS V1.2+.

          Release Date : 27.10.1997

    Function/Usage :
    "DeTar" extracts Unix Tar-Archives and may - not very well -
    also list their contents.

    Extracting :       DeTar [Archive-Name]
    Listing    :       DeTar d [Archive-Name]

    Often Tar-Files have been "zipped" with GZip, after that changing
    their extension to ".tgz".
    Just extract the original Archive with "GZip" and then use "DeTar"
    on them.

    "detar" for MS-DOS has been written in 1988 by Steve R. Sampson
    and bases on the originally public domain TAR program by John Gilmore.

    [ please download and refer to DeTar.doc for further information ]