Short:        My beautiful Wb 3.5 in 16bit running Wipeout 2097 in window!!!
Author:       Daniele "Serty" Mastrangeli (
Uploader:     Daniele "Serty"  Mastrangeli(amigaworld tiscalinet it)
Type:         pix/wb
Architecture: generic

This is my beautiful WB in 16 BIT with OS3.5 and BlizzardVision

I use these patch and utilities:

MCP 1.30
Birdie 1.5
VisualPrefs 1-5e
MagicMenu 2.29
AMPLifier 2.10
and MORE...

My Hardware is :

Amiga 1200

PowerPc : 68040-25 / 603e-175 MHz

Blizzard Vision PPC Permedia II 8Mb SGRam 

Ram : 16 Mb and 32Mb Simm 60 Ns

Hard Disk 1 : JST 1.3 Gb

Hard Disk 2 : Quantum Fireball CX 6.4 Gb

CdRom : Nec 4x SCSI

Modem : 33600 kbs

Printer : Canon BJC 4200

Monitor : Microvitec 14"