Short:        A stunning HiRes by Dr.Zulu / GiGA Prod.
Author: (Thomas 'Dr.Zulu' Pringle / GiGA Productions.)
Uploader:     warpgiga nettaxi com (Fini 'Warp' Alring / GiGA Productions )
Type:         pix/tp96
Version:      1.1
Architecture: generic


 GiGA Productions proudly presents "The Green Ocean" by Thomas 'Dr.Zulu' Pringle (C)1996 - DK 

 Resolution: 640x512x64
 Drawn in: Deluxe Paint IV - Began with Amiga 500, finished it with his new A1200.

 1st released: The Party 1996 in Denmark.

 Check our site for info and downloads:

                          Aminet release history:

v1.0 - 

 Uploaded by (SauberSound) (Not known by GiGA Productions), with errors in author name.

v1.1 -

 Uploaded by (Fini 'Warp' Alring / GiGA Productions.)

 The reason for this upload is to make it an official GiGA Prod. Aminet release,
 and because the former uploader spelled Dr.Zulu's name Drozula! ;)
 And because this picture is some piece of pixel work! ;)


           Fini 'Warp' Alring / Copenhagen - Denmark. Wed Jun 03 03:54:20am! 1998


            The Official Aminet release list by GiGA Productions (03-Jun-1998):

Type:   	Filename:          Short description:

biz/dbase	Phonemaster.lha	   - A "phonebook" database for storing info about people etc.
biz/dbase	PM5-Birth.lha	   - Phonemaster-plugin, Show birthdays, on Startup.
comm/misc	GigaGuide.lha	   - Makes guide of aminet files etc.
dev/c   	ScanGuide.lha	   - StormC: Con-sensitive help in GoldED! ;)
demo/tp94	Flames.lha	       - "Flames" demo by GiGA Prod. TP94 (AmosPro)  
demo/ecs	Gbl_Hazard.lha	   - "Global Hazard!" demo by GiGA Prod. 4th at SSP'95;)
demo/ecs	SOMA.lha    	   - "SOMA" the Amos demo by GiGA Prod.
util/cli	GigaCLS.lha	       - Smallest CLS ever!13Bytes(Mcls is buggy)
util/rexx	WarpsARexx.lha	   - Warp's Arexx pack (>20 great programs!) Vol.1
pix/tp96	TheGreenOcean.lha  - A stunning HiRes by Dr.Zulu / GiGA Prod.
