Short:        DeepSpace 9 station. Render A. Erlandsson
Author:       Anders Erlandsson <>
Uploader:     Anders Erlandsson <anderse academy bastad se>
Type:         pix/real3d
Architecture: generic

This is my latest StarTrek project. It was finished 12/4-96 after
about 1 week of work. Effective modelling time was about 20 hours.
Rendering time for 800x600 is about 5 hours with GLOW on a 28Mhz 040 and
32Mb of ram. The project file will also be uploaded to AmiNet.

It is not very detailed as it would take much more memory and would require
a faster cpu to render. I don't want to wait several days to render so i
balance between detail and render/memory requirements.

I have used Real3D v3.3. The best true raytracer for Amiga.

Also look for my "Klingon Bird of Prey" project + Pics.
Next project will probably be Enterprise 1701-D or a remake of Voyager.

I have a lot of StarTrek ideas to model. Kazon, Romulan, The Caretaker Array,
etc.. etc.. Hope i'll not be tired of all ST models. But as i am a Trekker
i want to do everything.

I hope you all like the pictures.


Anders Erlandsson
PL 1422
S-31031 Eldsberga