Short:        Traced Anim of my livingroom
Author:       BPM
Uploader:     BPM-SU gmx de
Type:         pix/mpg
Architecture: generic

Infos about the animation:

MPG-File 376x240x24 400 frames rendered via Lightwave 5

This anim was 100 % done on an AMIGA.
All objects (apart from AMIGA-keyboard and the plant object ;) created
with Modeler (Lightwave 5)

The anim has 400 frames.
Original (raw) size of picture-material: 90 MB

The original MPG-File looks much better, but it had a size
of 12 MB :/   too much to upload for me ;)

Traced with ALL effects switched ON (like mirroring, shading, motion blur, etc.)
with my Amiga 4000/060 CGX 64MB RAM and PPC (not used via Lightwave unfortunately :/

Scene & Object-generating time:
  about 24 hours

Rendering time: (oh oh)
  about 90 hours

If you are interested to get an object file of this anim
(or perhaps the scene-file) just contact me :)

contact me via: