Short: Religious art for the Amiga

				Religious Art
There seems to be a dearth of religious art on Aminet, so I decided to
appoint myself the duty of making some.  Mind you, it's quite poor, but
I did try.  I hope someone somewhere gets some inspiration out of it.
Architecture: generic

I'm actually intending to make more, so don't complain that I didn't
warn you.  The other stuff probably won't be as original.
A quick briefing of the pictures included: most sacrifice on the Eternal
Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Many include His Immaculate Mother, and some
have others, like the apostles.
A not-so-quick briefing of what should be in here:

1. Sacrificium #ternum
	(Translates to "The Eternal Sacrifice", unless I've got my genders
	God the Father, seated on His throne, accepts the perfect sacrifice
	of His onyl begotten Son (Hebrew 9.11-14) in reparation for His
	people's sins.  Angels collect the Precious Blood in the Chalice of
	Salvation (Ps. 116.12-15) while Archangels, attending at the throne,
	present the prayers of the people of God as incense (Revelation 8.4).
	The water of life flows from the Son's right side, from the piercing
	of His Sacred Heart (Ezekiel 47.1),  The Holy Spirit, in the form of
	a dove, thus proceeds to God's people on Earth to teach and sanctify
	them (John 14.15).  Fourteen apostles offer their prayers with the
	Most Blessed Virgin Mother of God on behalf of the Church (Acts
	1.13-14). (B & W)
2. The Eternal Sacrifice
	The exact same picture as above, except that the Latin names are not
	put into the picture. (B & W)
3. Sacrifice of Love
	The exact same picture as #2, except in color.
4. EcceRexVostrus
	Translation: "Behold thy King!"  Christ on the cross.
5. Miseria
	Mary holding hr!"  Christ on the cross indicates to
	St. John the Apostle that he is to take the Virgin Mary as his mother
	henceforth. (John 20.26-27)

As Easter comes, I hope to have some more ready which conform more to the
spirit of

	|\	John E. Perry, ///
	| )	jep@nauvax.ucc.nau
	|/				    |Jesus Christ, King of the world,
       _|_	Iesus Christus, Rex mundi,  |was born of the Virgin Mary.
      _	| _	natus est de Virgine Maria. |He sits on the throne of Justice,
     / \|/ \    Sedet in cathedra Iustitiae,|which is the cross.
    (   |   )   qui est crux.               |Behold the wood of the cross,