Short:        TIM's comic strips (shorts) (FR)
Author: (Timothee Lemoine)
Uploader:     alem wanadoo fr (Alain Lemoine)
Type:         pix/art
Architecture: generic

Important:    Texts are in French...
              Humour... also!
Status:       Freeware
Distribution: Aminet:sites & cd authorized
              Others:authorization required (e-mail)
Total Size:   (uncompressed): 540.096 bytes
Country:      France

                      © Timothee LEMOINE - 1997
                         All rights reserved
                        Only for a private use

* Hand-Drawn short Comic Strips, digitized with Epson GT7000

* N.B.: - Author is young, so... be indulgent!
        - French humour is particular...

* If you appreciate these things, please send a mail to the author!

* Content of the archive:


        TIM_BandeDessinée_13.pic:   La fronde
        TIM_BandeDessinée_14.pic:   Revue érotique
        TIM_BandeDessinée_15.pic:   Le prout
        TIM_BandeDessinée_16.pic:   Bataille d'encre

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