Short:        "Death is waiting" is a nice moody picture
Author: (Patrick Scheller)
Uploader:     patlecat dataway ch (Patrick Scheller)
Type:         pix/art
Architecture: generic

Filename            : DeathKultCX.jpg
Theme/Subject       : A moody pixie with a nice background an text
Soft- + Hardware    : Photogenics V2 on Amiga2000, 68060, 64MB RAM
Flavors/Remarques   : One of my first works with Photogenics. I like the
                      dark impression of it and the smooth title. I didn't
                      do it for a specific purpose. And i'm certainly no
                      satanist by any means!  ?:-))

Techniques          : I combined some randomly generated backgrounds
                      together changed them to grey and tinted them in the
                      color you see. The title was made with some weired
                      effects, but i couldn't recall 'what' in 'which'
                      order! There was a displacement and some blurs.
                      I cut the title which was made seperatly and com-
                      bind it with the background with an alpha-picture.
                      The alpha-pic. was essential in the way that i wanted
                      the title to look like 'cut from a paper'.
                      That's about it folks, hope you enjoyed it  'B-))

         ********Picture made by Patrick Scheller alias 'pat'.*********
         **************eMail adress:***************
         ************Copyright remains by the author - 1997************