Short:        Some Real 3d objects
Author:       Karl R. Pettersen
Uploader:     Espen Berntsen himolde no
Type:         pix/3dobj
Architecture: generic

  This archive should contain the following:

  R3D2Objects/4CylinderEngine.obj       Will it 'ever' be done.
  R3D2Objects/ashtray.obj               Ought to be smoked.
  R3D2Objects/clock.obj                 Nice for correct time.
  R3D2Objects/cuttingtool.obj           Watch your hands.
  R3D2Objects/doors&windows.obj         For housebuilders.
  R3D2Objects/garbagecan.obj            Pure garbage.
  R3D2Objects/hammer.obj                A tool. (No ToolManager though)
  R3D2Objects/joystick.obj              B-splines, special materials.
  R3D2Objects/orange.obj                Should this really be consumed?
  R3D2Objects/penn.obj                  A nicelooking writing penn.
  R3D2Objects/revolver.obj              Pretty detailed, except shaft.
  R3D2Objects/tricycle.obj              Good, but not finished.
  R3D2Objects/TXT.OBJECTS.README        I just wander what this is.

  Load objects as 'Replace object' or 'Replace sections' obj/mat

  This is a collection of some of my objects I have made using
  the most excellent raytracing programs ever made: Real3D v2.47
  As some of these objects are pretty large in size, espessially
  the 4 cylinder engine, you might run out of memory pretty fast.
  My Amiga 4000EC30 + FPU is now equipped with 18MB RAM, and I can
  now raytrace all of my objects.

  Some of the pictures of this archive are NOT actually the result
  you get rendering these objects. The picture of the engineobject
  is an old one with some parts removed to get a look of the inside
  of the engine.

  About 4CylinderEngine:
  As I have never looked into an engine (apart of filling oil etc),
  prior to making this object, there are naturally some 'bugs' in
  the machine. Regarding those 'things' to keep the 'thing' fully
  balanced (you know what I'm talking about ;/), you will probably
  notice that they will crash with the lower part of the piston on
  each rotation. Had this been a real life situation, the car fitted
  with this engine, would have stopped, make a lot of noise and
  reported you to the police for inproper construction. Not in the
  life of Real3D though, aren't computers nice ;) Also the connec-
  tions between the 'valvepushers' and the valves are completely
  wrong. Probably a lot more as well. I will (probably) continue
  constructing this engine in the future if I can find the currage.
  Can anybody animate this sucker for me. I can't seem to get the
  right movement on the piston'shaft'. None animation features is
  included in this file, because none were ever made, except for
  some small scale engines for testanimations of motions.

  About other stuff:
  I'm verry sorry that mai englisj sucks, thus a lot of the objects
  contain norwegian names on them. For anyone trying to make money
  of my objects, I can only say; hope you get stuck with my engine
  in your car. That's a faith worse that death. Anyone may feel free
  to use any of these objects in an animation or a scene, but I
  would appreciate a little credit. Also, if you want to contact me
  for anything, you can contact me on snail-mail (not connected) at:
        Karl Ruben Pettersen
        Turnv. 14 Box 136
        N-4060 KLEPPE