Short:        TIE Defender Imagine Object
Uploader:     lauriesh dcs gla ac uk
Type:         pix/3dobj
Architecture: generic

Here's my first Aminet upload (wahey!). I created this cos I was sick and
tired of PeeCee owners asking me if I had any pics of the TIE Defender from
The X-Wing vs TIE Fighter game. A quick search of the net found no usable
objects (3D Studio only. Bleurgh!!!), so I decided to construct my own.
This was built in Imagine 2.0 im about 1 hour after pinching parts from
various TIE and TIE Interceptor models. It should happily render in 2 Meg,
and uses no brushmaps and no textures. You can alter this object if you
want, but if you do I want a copy!!!

If you make any decent pictures or anims send them to me as well