Short:        Earth and moon objects and scene for LW
Author:       TH2A@mic.Fr (Thierry Sillis)
Uploader:     TH2A mic Fr (Thierry Sillis)
Type:         pix/3dobj
Architecture: generic

This is a complete scene for rendering earth and moon under lightwave
All objects, except Actualstars which is part of Lightwave package, are included.
All pictures are also included, but i'm not the author !
i wish to thank's the real authors of these pictures but i don't know who they are!

and excuse me for my good english ;)

If you do download this archive then please send mail and tell me what you think !
Thank's :)

============================= Archive contents =============================

Listing of archive 'Earth.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1233     596 51.6% 27-Oct-97 17:51:26
   62986   53370 15.2% 24-Mar-95 01:38:46 +CLOUDS.IFF
  142300   55839 60.7% 27-Oct-97 18:02:04 +Earth.lwo
    2886    1060 63.2% 27-Oct-97 18:02:26 +Earth.scn
 2322840 2052437 11.6% 09-Apr-97 07:49:54 +Earth_1440_720.iff
 1089122  831438 23.6% 10-Oct-97 14:08:50 +EarthBump.iff
 1984960  649454 67.2% 04-Oct-97 16:06:12 +moon.iff
   47502   18819 60.3% 27-Oct-97 18:01:54 +Moon.lwo
   50449   50449  0.0% 19-Oct-97 20:39:06  Earth1.jpg
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 5704278 3713462 34.9% 27-Oct-97 18:19:20   9 files

Operation successful.