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Short: | Substitute for IconX |
Author: | Jaroslav Pokorny |
Uploader: | yaya005 seznam cz - www.yaya005.7u.cz |
Type: | util/sys |
Version: | 2.4 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2010-10-25 |
Requires: | OS3+, CPU 020+ |
Replaces: | IconX |
Download: | util/sys/toolx24.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/sys/toolx24.readme |
Downloads: | 992 |
Freeware compensation System Utilities "IconX" for new processors and graphics cards.
CPU 68020 is minumum for meningful use.
For example, you can run old programs and games
that have problems with CPU 68030 or above, or gfx card.
It is possible to customize the behavior of the processor 68040,
such as processor 68020.
Lets you disable the AGA chipset, as well as utility-type KILLAGA.
Some games do not run the GFX cards just because you can not open the PAL
screen before the GFX card screen.
(The user then hears the sound of the game, but the screen is still a system.)
This utility can use tooltyp "[PAL]" display screen type PAL first,
so then the game starts correctly.
It allows users to run commands of amigados, so when used correctly
added to the system assigns, set off by CPU cache, prohibit AGA, the screen switches
to PAL mode and then run a game or program.
Archive contains examples of use for older games...
eg: Superfrog, The Settlers, Slamtilt, etc...
List of internal commands(tooltypes):
[PAL] - switch screen to PAL,set LORES sprites
[NTSC] - switch screen to NTSC, set LORES sprites
[CLOSESCREEN] - screen immediately closes PAL/NTSC
(otherwise be closed at the end of ToolX)
[FLUSHMEM] - "clean up" unused memory from libraries and fonst
(performed automatically at startup Toolx)
[FLUSHCACHE] - flushes the contents of all cache (68020+)
[INSTCACHE] - enable instruction cache (68020+)
[NOINSTCACHE] - disable instruction cache (68020+)
[DATACACHE] - enable data cache (68030+)
[NODATACACHE] - disable data cache (68030+)
[INSTBURST] - enable instr.burst cache (68030)
[NOINSTBURST] - disable instr.burst cache (68030)
[DATABURST] - enable data burst cache (68030)
[NODATABURST] - disable data burst cache (68030)
[COPYBACK] - enable copyback (68040+)
[NOCOPYBACK] - disable copyback (68040+)
[EXTCACHE] - enable ext. cache (68040+)
[NOEXTCACHE] - disable ext. cache (68040+)
[WRITEBUFFER] - enable write buffer (68060)
[NOWRITEBUFFER] - disable write buffer (68060)
[BRANCHCACHE] - enable branch cache (68060)
[NOBRANCHCACHE] - disable branch cache (68060)
[SUPERSCALAR] - enable superscalar enforcement instruction (68060)
[NOSUPERSCALAR] - disable superscalar enforcement instruction (68060)
[68000] - sets the status of the mode of 68000
[68020] - sets the status of the mode of 68020
[68030] - sets the status of the mode of 68030
[68040] - sets the status of the mode of 68040
[68060] - sets the status of the mode of 68060
[SETCLOCK] - updates the system clock time by backup
(otherwise be closed at the end of ToolX)
[DELAY] - 1s pause
[REBOOT] - system restart (Use with caution!)
[FORBID] - disable multitasking (Use with caution!)
[PERMIT] - enable multitasking
[KILLAGA] - disable AGA chipset, initialization sprites
[NOVBR] - setings VectorBaseRegister at adress 0
[MESSAGE] - display message (text in next line ToolType)
[WARNING] - display question (text in next line ToolType)
[RUNSELF] - runs program with the same name as an icon
where ToolX was invoked(uses this function for rename
run file withow interfere his tooltyp)
[RUNSELFBACK] - via [RUNSELF], but program runs in background
with -1 priority (Imagine, LightWave ect.)
[RUNSELFFRONT] - via [RUNSELF], but +1 priority and forderground(MPEGA)
[REPEAT] - repeat all commands from start
[QUIT] - quit all commands and ToolX
cd xxx - set the path xxx as the current path
;xxx - note ('xxx' ignore it)
(xxx) - inactive command 'xxx'
Translated by Google and Ya.
Cesky popis prikazu je v archivu.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Contents of util/sys/toolx24.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 739 1197 61.7% -lh5- 4045 Sep 14 1997 ToolX.info
[generic] 812 1197 67.8% -lh5- 27a9 Sep 14 1997 ToolX/Examples.info
[generic] 833 1787 46.6% -lh5- ceca Sep 14 1997 ToolX/Examples/PinballObsession.info
[generic] 1275 2311 55.2% -lh5- 5dc4 Sep 14 1997 ToolX/Examples/SlamTilt.info
[generic] 1005 2782 36.1% -lh5- ecaf Sep 14 1997 ToolX/Examples/StartWorms.info
[generic] 397 524 75.8% -lh5- b0b5 Sep 14 1997 ToolX/Examples/SuperFrog.info
[generic] 1115 1586 70.3% -lh5- ca2b Sep 14 1997 ToolX/Examples/TheSettlers.info
[generic] 322 887 36.3% -lh5- 3950 Sep 14 1997 ToolX/Examples/XMas Lemmings.info
[generic] 978 1678 58.3% -lh5- b463 Sep 14 1997 ToolX/Examples/ZombieApocalypse2.info
[generic] 3347 6260 53.5% -lh5- c3bf Dec 24 1997 ToolX/ToolX
[generic] 3214 8121 39.6% -lh5- 13da Dec 24 1997 ToolX/ToolX-CtiMe
[generic] 693 1391 49.8% -lh5- bac0 Sep 14 1997 ToolX/ToolX-CtiMe.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 12 files 14730 29721 49.6% Oct 24 21:30
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