FalconPatch is a program intended to fix various problems with the
Falcon 68040 accelerator board for the A1200. It also fixes a general
problem with expansion memory on the A1200.
The excellent program FastExec solves the general problem; however, I
have recently found a case which it fails to address. Amiga
International has started to release beta versions of some components of
the next AmigaOS (version 43) on its public FTP site; in particular,
IDE_scsi.device, which now recognises "IDE" (ATAPI) CD-ROM drives and
has various other enhancements over the version in the A1200's ROM.
FalconPatch ensures that the Falcon's Fast RAM re-appears almost
immediately after a reboot, so it's safe to store new system components
in Fast RAM. If you don't use FalconPatch, they will be loaded into Chip
RAM and will run comparatively slowly.
There are also a few bugs in the Falcon's on-board ROM. FalconPatch
fixes all these problems.
Ben Hutchings
43 Harrison Close
Surrey RH2 7HS
email: benjamin.hutchings@worcester.oxford.ac.uk
WWW: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~worc0223/amiga/freeware/