84782 packages online
No screenshot available
· implemented DTA_Repeat and DTA_Immediate (GMultiview IMMEDIATE, REPEAT).
· fixed bug of audio.device player (samples weren't correctly repeated).
· changed volume slider to make it work properly with VisualPrefs.
· fixed and optimized library module.
· added workaround for a bug (?) of gmultiview 45.8, after changing the
objects' DTA_ControlPanel attribute, GM_LAYOUT (AddDTObject) is called
but not GM_RENDER (RefreshDTObject should follow AddDTObject).
· drawing pens are allocated during GM_LAYOUT now and released at
DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT. This avoids "color changes" when a "MagicMenu" popup.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
20208 12814 36.5% 29-Dec-98 16:08:18 +sound.datatype
176 147 16.4% 22-Oct-98 01:12:56 +SVX
3076 1997 35.0% 26-Dec-98 13:17:52 +svx.datatype
467 282 39.6% 23-Nov-98 11:22:48 +SVX.info
2062 1171 43.2% 24-Oct-98 00:25:40 +Developer.info
6250 2423 61.2% 29-Dec-98 13:36:06 +sound_dtc
2139 1108 48.2% 24-Oct-98 00:25:40 +sound_dtc.info
1777 678 61.8% 28-Nov-98 20:10:58 +soundclassext.h
649 333 48.6% 29-Oct-98 12:25:14 +svx_dtc
2964 1052 64.5% 28-Nov-98 20:32:30 +Install
675 333 50.6% 24-Oct-98 00:03:14 +Install.info
13349 5540 58.4% 29-Dec-98 16:11:20 +SoundDT.guide
2139 1106 48.2% 24-Oct-98 00:03:14 +SoundDT.guide.info
1267 717 43.4% 26-Dec-98 13:15:32 +svxdt.doc
2139 1104 48.3% 24-Oct-98 00:03:14 +svxdt.doc.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
59337 30805 48.0% 29-Dec-98 16:11:32 15 files
Contents of util/dtype/soundDT41.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 12814 20208 63.4% -lh5- eb84 Dec 29 1998 SoundDT41/DataTypes/sound.datatype
[generic] 147 176 83.5% -lh5- d661 Oct 22 1998 SoundDT41/DataTypes/SVX
[generic] 1997 3076 64.9% -lh5- ced3 Dec 26 1998 SoundDT41/DataTypes/svx.datatype
[generic] 282 467 60.4% -lh5- 09c7 Nov 23 1998 SoundDT41/DataTypes/SVX.info
[generic] 1171 2062 56.8% -lh5- cf6d Oct 24 1998 SoundDT41/Developer.info
[generic] 2423 6250 38.8% -lh5- c679 Dec 29 1998 SoundDT41/Developer/sound_dtc
[generic] 1108 2139 51.8% -lh5- 84fc Oct 24 1998 SoundDT41/Developer/sound_dtc.info
[generic] 678 1777 38.2% -lh5- f9e1 Nov 28 1998 SoundDT41/Developer/soundclassext.h
[generic] 333 649 51.3% -lh5- 80dd Oct 29 1998 SoundDT41/Developer/svx_dtc
[generic] 1052 2964 35.5% -lh5- ead2 Nov 28 1998 SoundDT41/Install
[generic] 333 675 49.3% -lh5- f842 Oct 24 1998 SoundDT41/Install.info
[generic] 5540 13349 41.5% -lh5- 0114 Dec 29 1998 SoundDT41/SoundDT.guide
[generic] 1106 2139 51.7% -lh5- 9a22 Oct 24 1998 SoundDT41/SoundDT.guide.info
[generic] 717 1267 56.6% -lh5- 6cf0 Dec 26 1998 SoundDT41/svxdt.doc
[generic] 1104 2139 51.6% -lh5- 968f Oct 24 1998 SoundDT41/svxdt.doc.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 30805 59337 51.9% Jan 11 1999
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