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Short:Add new file loaders in any app. v1.85
Author:Lejardinier Olivier
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Download:util/cdity/mplspatch_1_85.lha - View contents


 MPLS Patch v1.85 (27/08/96) - SHAREWARE
 Copyright © 1995-96 Lejardinier Olivier
 All Rights Reserved

**************************** Français / French *****************************

 Ce patch système permet à n'importe quelle application de gérer des nouveaux
 formats de fichiers, comme par exemple les fichiers images JPEG, GIF, TARGA,
 les fichiers objet 3D, les fichiers provenant de traitement de texte, etc...

 Les conversions s'effectuent par l'intermédiaire de modules externes (sous
 forme de librairies partageables).

 Vous pouvez par exemple utiliser MPLS Patch avec des programmes tels que :

 - (True)Brilliance ou DPaint pour les images GIF, JPEG, etc...
 - Imagine !!! pour utiliser des textures en GIF, JPEG, etc...
 - ADPro si vous ne posséder pas par exemple certains loaders.
 - FinalCopy II, FinalWriter, etc...
 - etc...

 Pour fonctionner, ce programme nécessite obligatoirement :

  - L'AmigaDOS 2.04 ou supérieur

    Note : certains modules, comme le module 'datatypes.loader' ne peuvent
           fonctionner qu'à partir de l'AmigaDOS 3.0.

  - La ReqTools librairie v38 ou supérieur.

 L'utilisation d'un disque dur, et de suffisament  de  mémoire  (MPLS Patch
 fonctionne à partir de 2Mo), est grandement conseillée.

 ATTENTION : Pour pouvoir utiliser la version non enregistrée de MPLS Patch
             vous devez possèder l'un des programmes suivants :

             - (True)Brilliance
             - DPaint

 *** IMPORTANT : Cette version de MPLS Patch ne comporte pour l'instant qu'un
 seul loader 'datatypes.loader' nécessitant l'AmigaDOS 3.0 et des datatypes
 (une collection de datatypes est fournie avec l'archive).

 Pour plus d'informations, consulter la documentation.

***************************** English / Anglais ****************************

 MPLS Patch is a system patch that allows ANY application to handle new
 file formats (ie : picture file formats GIF, JPEG, TARGA, etc..., object 3D
 file formats, word processing file formats, etc...) using externals modules
 (build in shared runtime libraries).

 For example, you can use MPLS Patch with :

 - (True)Brilliance or DPaint to load GIF, JPEG, etc...
 - Imagine !!! to use GIF, JPEG textures
 - ADPro if you don't own some extras loaders (TARGA, TIFF,...)
 - Any word processing (FinalCopy II, FinalWriter, etc...)
 - etc...

 This program requires :

 - AmigaDOS 2.04 or above.

   Note :  Some modules requires others system ressources (AmigaDOS 3.0 or
           above, datatypes, etc...)

 - ReqTools library v38 or higher.

 An hard drive and some extra memory are recommended.

 WARNING : To use this unregistred MPLS Patch version, you should own at least
           one of the following programs :

           - (True)Brilliance
           - DPaint

 To get more informations, please consult the (french, sorry) documentation.

Contents of util/cdity/mplspatch_1_85.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  318     673  47.3% -lh5- 0e4c Sep 10  1996
[generic]                 1731    8544  20.3% -lh5- 6dc8 Aug 10  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Bugs_Report
[generic]                  317     840  37.7% -lh5- ba7b Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                  466     844  55.2% -lh5- 6652 Sep  2  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/DataTypes.Lisez-Moi
[generic]                  315     840  37.5% -lh5- f13d Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                 1329    3028  43.9% -lh5- 2343 Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Description
[generic]                  312     836  37.3% -lh5- 303d Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                  335     601  55.7% -lh5- 901c Sep  5  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Help/English/MPLS_Patch.Help
[generic]                28050   84909  33.0% -lh5- 9efc Sep 16  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Help/Français/MPLS_Patch.Help
[generic]                  580    1265  45.8% -lh5- 6a73 Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                 2369    2369 100.0% -lh0- 6312 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/BMP.LHA
[generic]                78423   78423 100.0% -lh0- dfeb Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/JFIF.LHA
[generic]                 2293    2293 100.0% -lh0- ab89 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/MacPaint.LHA
[generic]                 4276    4276 100.0% -lh0- 7926 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/PCX.LHA
[generic]                 5540    5540 100.0% -lh0- eca5 May 23  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/Picture.LHA
[generic]                76854   76854 100.0% -lh0- 5226 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/PNG.LHA
[generic]                 2394    2394 100.0% -lh0- 6e12 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/REKO Cardset.LHA
[generic]                 3384    3384 100.0% -lh0- 7462 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/Sun Raster.LHA
[generic]                 4350    4350 100.0% -lh0- 9891 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/Targa.LHA
[generic]                37891   37891 100.0% -lh0- 1ccb Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/TIFF.LHA
[generic]                 3555    3555 100.0% -lh0- 9ae3 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/WordPerfectGfx.LHA
[generic]                 4142    4142 100.0% -lh0- 64e4 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/X-Bitmap.LHA
[generic]                 2889    2889 100.0% -lh0- 9a83 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/DataTypes/ZGIF.LHA
[generic]                  322     678  47.5% -lh5- c375 Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/
[generic]                  572    1349  42.4% -lh5- f0cd Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/English/Install
[generic]                  560    1341  41.8% -lh5- 0685 Sep  5  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/English/Install MPLS
[generic]                  558    1341  41.6% -lh5- 962e Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/English/Uninstall MPLS
[generic]                  322     678  47.5% -lh5- e3ba Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Franç
[generic]                  570    1350  42.2% -lh5- 489a Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Français/Installer
[generic]                  555    1342  41.4% -lh5- 4eac Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Français/Installer MPLS
[generic]                  558    1342  41.6% -lh5- 7c11 Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Français/Retirer MPLS
[generic]                    1       1 100.0% -lh0- d4c1 Jan 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/MPLS_Patch.Env
[generic]                 2163    2163 100.0% -lh0- a33d Sep 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/Patch_Catalogs.LHA
[generic]                  661     661 100.0% -lh0- 1faf Sep 16  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/Patch_Config.LHA
[generic]                 2226    2226 100.0% -lh0- 15b8 Sep 16  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/Patch_Libraries.LHA
[generic]                 3260    3260 100.0% -lh0- e6bd Sep 16  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/Patch_Loaders.LHA
[generic]                  290     290 100.0% -lh0- a9c2 Sep 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/Patch_Loaders_Catalogs.LHA
[generic]                18213   18213 100.0% -lh0- 689f Sep 17  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/Patch_Program.LHA
[generic]                 2952    2952 100.0% -lh0- 055a Sep 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/Prefs_Catalogs.LHA
[generic]                39819   39819 100.0% -lh0- 4905 Sep 17  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_Datas/Prefs_Program.LHA
[generic]                 2164    7824  27.7% -lh5- 5a47 Sep  5  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_DataTypes
[generic]                 4983   24210  20.6% -lh5- c5d7 Sep 16  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Install_MPLS_Patch
[generic]                25711   26244  98.0% -lh5- 91aa Aug 30  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/LhEx
[generic]                  144     188  76.6% -lh5- a750 Sep  5  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/SignalPatch
[generic]                 1441    7230  19.9% -lh5- 79e4 Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Install/Uninstall_MPLS_Patch
[generic]                  203     433  46.9% -lh5- 227d Aug 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/MPLS_Patch.Guide
[generic]                  321     848  37.9% -lh5- 0a58 Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                  695    1376  50.5% -lh5- 501d Jan 30  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/MUI.ReadMe
[generic]                  319     840  38.0% -lh5- 7313 Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                13267   23956  55.4% -lh5- e809 Sep 10  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Preview
[generic]                 1150    1617  71.1% -lh5- 1643 Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                  275     487  56.5% -lh5- 2301 Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                  618    1919  32.2% -lh5- 03df Aug 10  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Registration
[generic]                  320     840  38.1% -lh5- 4027 Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
[generic]                  707    1544  45.8% -lh5- 17a7 Sep  6  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/Shareware
[generic]                  313     836  37.4% -lh5- 1282 Sep  4  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.85/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        56 files  388346  510138  76.1%            Oct  3  1996
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