SMenu 1.1 ©1994-1995 Nocturnal Holiday SoftWare, Jon Anders Haugum
Released: 6.Jun.95
Requires kickstart 2.04
SMenu is a screenselector with several nice features.
o It is a Commodity.
o It works fast, because the list of screens can be accessed with a
simple mouseclick or a hotkey.
o It opens a list on every screen you want it to open on, and the
list is removed automatic when the screen close.
o The configuration is done in a GUI.
o Full keyboard support.
o It is possible to define a hotkey for each screen.
o ARexx support.
1.0 ( 6.Jul.94):
-First Release.
1.1 ( 6.Jun.95):
-Removed lots of bugs and have now becomed very stable.
-Possible to select a custom font for the list-window.
-Replaced the list-gadget and gained som code-size and functionality.
-Now also show screens that are non-public and don't have any title.
-Improved the configuration window.
-The list-window can now be placed anywhere one the screen.
-Removed trouble when workbench were opened and closed.
-It will now detect when workbench is closed, and then if needed close
the list-window. Patched CloseWorkBench().
-When configration is changed, those changes will be done at once.
-Added sort of the screen list.
-Replaced the patch-code to a better one.
-ACTIVESCREEN can be used instead of the screenname, when the
arexx-commands POPUP and POPDOWN is used.
-Removed tooltype DEFAULT_Q&A_WIDTH.
-New tooltype DEFAULT_YPOS.
Jon Anders Haugum (