Note from porting author: Binaries are in bin/ and (UN*X) shell scripts in utils/
, if you want to use the latters you'll probably need a working GG environment
like the SDK to install them into.
See INSTALL for compiling and installation instructions.
LZMA is an abbreviation of Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm.
It is the default compression method of 7z file format in 7-zip
program. The purporse of LZMA utils is to make the usage of LZMA
compression easy on *NIX based systems like GNU/*/Linux and *BSD.
The average compression ratio is usually 30% better than
'gzip --best' and 15% better than 'bzip2 --best'. Some files can
be compressed even over 50% smaller than with gzip. With speed
LZMA cannot compete with gzip in neither compression nor
decompression. With bzip2 LZMA is in par when compressing with
approximately same compression ratio but for smallest file size
the time required can be 5 times the time used by bzip2. Luckily
the same does not apply to decompression speed: even the tightest
LZMA files can be decompressed in time less than a half of the
time that bzip2 would take. This makes LZMA an ideal compression
tool for distributing files in the Internet and on CDs/DVDs
because the files are usually compressed only once but
decompressed many times.
The LZMA utils split in three parts:
* Stripped down version of Igor Pavlov's LZMA SDK
* lzmadec, lzmainfo, lzmash (also called LZMAdec, LZMAinfo and, lzmore, lzdiff and lzgrep
* A small patch for GNU tar 1.15.1
The LZMA SDK is the heart of the LZMA utils package and all the
real work is done by this code. Without LZMA SDK there couldn't
be LZMA utils. The SDK provides the full-featured command line
LZMA encoder/decoder written in C++ and a small LZMA decoder
library written in ANSI-C. LZMA utils contains a stripped down
version of the LZMA SDK *). For more information about the LZMA
SDK and the full source code see .
*) Compared to the original LZMA SDK distribution the following
changes have been made:
* All the files not needed by the LZMA utils are removed.
* CRLF line-endings are converted to LF.
* LZMA_Alone/Makefile is a modified version of Makefile
shipped in earlier version of LZMA SDK
* LZMA_Alone/LzmaAlone.cpp has been modified: stripped some
features and moved the copyright text to be shown only on
help screen.
LZMAdec is a small but fast LZMA decoder. In contrast to the
example code "LzmaTest.c" included in the full LZMA SDK, LZMAdec
supports both streamed and non-streamed LZMA files. LZMAdec is
useful in e.g. in installation programs where fitting everything
in limited space is needed.
LZMAinfo is a simple utility that displays the information stored
in the LZMA file header such as uncompressed size (if available)
and how much memory is required in the decompression process
(that is appr. the used dictionary size). ('lzmash') is a Bourne Shell script that acts as
a wrapper for the LZMA encoder/decoder providing a similar
command line interface that gzip and bzip2 have. This should
be useful for users already familiar with these two very common
The patch for the GNU tar version 1.15.1 integrates LZMA support
in tar. The patch adds command line option '--lzma' and a short
equivalent '-Y'. Also magic bytes for autodetecting LZMA
compressed files is added (tar already has it for gzip and bzip2)
but because LZMA files have no static header it will work only
when files have been compressed using '-lc3 -lp0 -pb2' (these are
the default settings of the LZMA encoder). If autodetection fails
you can always explicitly specify the LZMA format using the
command line option '-Y' or '--lzma'.
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