DEAF will scan an archive, extract the description from INSIDE it, and link
it as a comment for that file. Suppose you have downloaded "foo.lha" and
you have noticed that it contains "foo.readme": DEAF will EXTRACT the
"Short:" line from foo.readme (or whatever line else) and will put it
as a filenote on "foo.lha" (without the trailing "Short:" and blanks).
When no .readme file is matched INSIDE the archive, DEAF will check for such
a file in the same directory, and will use it if present.
DEAF will then be able to move that archive in your personal aminet-organized
mirror (if you have any), and will take care of discarding obsolete versions.
DEAF will optionally create new directories it can't find (as comm/www, or
whatever directory will be introduced from now on! :).
DEAF will recognize LHA, LZX and ZIP archives, and will operate
successfully with all of them, provided you have LhA, LZX and UnZip in your
path (this is extremely important!); evaluation versions are OK too if you
are not using LZX. DEAF by now needs a registered LZX to work, sorry.
v1.00 [15.02.96] - First version
v1.01 [28.02.96] - stuff (trust me, this version is better, it's just that
I can't explain efficiently in English what I have done :)
v1.02 [21.06.96] - Introduced TODIR, REPLACES, DONTMOVE, and lightly improved
in other small parts.
v1.03 [01.07.96] - Now DEAF creates the needed directories (unless specified).
DONTCREATE introduced.
v1.04 [10.07.96] - DEAF now looks for an external .readme file too, when none
are matched inside the archive.
The source file has been lightly optimized.
Fixed a bug in the REPLACEment feature.
v1.05 [20.07.96] - Fixed a SERIOUS bug. Trash v1.04, don't trust it anymore!
Fixed another bug in the REPLACEment feature.
Now DEAF will optionally leave untouched a present filenote
(just moves the file around).
v1.06 [25.07.96] - I added pattern matching, thus reorganizing the whole source.
Now deaf, when looking inside the archive, tries to find
a readme file with the same base name of the archive.
Then, it will optionally fall back to *.readme, unless a
specific descriptor pattern is given.
Now deaf can resolve 'Short' lines with any number of blanks
before the colon (':') sign.