Amiga Port V1.01 of UnARJ 2.41
done by Andreas R. Kleinert in 1995, revised in 1997
Release Date: 27.10.1997
This is a small and simple port of the latest original UnARJ
release which is (C) by Robert K. Jung.
Please refer to the original documentation for any further information.
This distribution includes the original UnARJ archive as well
as the source code of the Amiga version.
You may contact me via:
Fido: Andreas Kleinert, 2:2457/350.18
Program and Compiler information:
This port has been done with SAS/C V6.58 and includes smakefiles for
68000 and 68030 (68020) versions.
There haven't many changes taken place; most time had to be spent
on the makefiles ... ;-)
V1.01 (27.10.1997): - recompiled with SAS/C 6.58
V1.00 (18.03.1995): - first release