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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>D o c u m e n t a t i o n f o r M U G c u t<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<
(c) 1993 by Mark Rose
Why MUGcut was written:
I download a lot of UUEncoded binaries from UseNet. Most of the files
there are in multiple parts. I tried every UUDecoder and UUJoiner I could
lay my hands on but to no effect (most of them gave me a "Error in file" or
something and a special Kick 2.04 UUDecoder crashed on my 2.04 system). So
I loaded them in my favorite editor and removed all those useless lines and
joined them myself (QUITE a lot of work). One day it popped into my mind:
why not write a program that removes all that trash and saves me a lot of
Please note that this program is not more than a quick attempt to save
time. After some work it is stable and serves its purpose. But beware:
if you feed weird files (other than .UUEs or .UUEs of a strange format) to
it I take no responsibility for anything that may happen.
What MUGcut does:
It joins multiple part UUEncoded binaries (like UseNet articles from
comp.binaries.amiga, alt.binaries.pictures, etc.) and removes all lines
preventing UUDecode from working properly. It is not very fast but short.
- Special Kick 1.2/1.3 and Kick 2.04 version (the 2.04 version being a
lot faster and shorter.
- tested with more than 10 MBytes of .UUE files and all of them worked
As easy as possible: copy MUGcut somewhere to your path (e.g. C:).
The usage is similar to the Join command:
MUGcut file1 file2 [<file3> .. <fileN>] outFile
Where file1 - fileN are the .UUE files in correct order and outFile is a
valid AmigaDOS filename. Please note that any existing outFile will be
deleted whether file1 - fileN exist or not.
You get the most out of MUGcut if you use it out of Directory Opus,
DirMaster or similar tool.
MUGcut assumes the following things:
1. The first file contains a "begin" followed by a three digit number and
the filename for UUDecode and the next line is a valid line for
2. Every relevant line starts with "M" and is terminated with a ASCII 10.
3. The last file contains an "end"
4. Every line after the "begin" line and before the "end" line not
starting with "M" and followed by a line also starting with "M" is
I suggest you copy a sample to your RamDisk and try MUGcut. If it works
for you (as it does for me): fine. Otherwise drop me a line. If you are
a very cautious person take a look at the source to see what it does...
How to contact me:
There are many ways. Here they are in order of preference:
- Via EMail : ukkg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de >InterNet<
ukkg@dkauni2.bitnet >BitNet< same as above
s_rose@iravcl.ira.uka.de >InterNet<
- Snail Mail : Mark Rose Mark Rose
Waldhornstr. 36, D604 Franz-Volk-Str. 37
7500 Karlsruhe 7600 Offenburg
(during Semester) (you may always reach me there
but may take a while...)
| T H I S P R O G R A M I S M A I L W A R E ! |
| Please remember: This program is MailWare. If you like it and use it |
| on a regular basis, think of the poor student who appreciates small |
| amounts of mail that tell him how great/average/bad/&$ยง#?!* |
| his program is. So M A I L me at once and have a clear conscience |
____ ONLY ____ _____ ____
| __ ||\ /||_ _|| ____|| __ | "Harry : What do you recommend for a
||__||||\ //| || || ___ ||__|| hangover?
| __ |||\\//|| || |||___|| __ | Annie : Teetotaling and prayer.
|| |||| \/ || _||_ ||___|||| || Cooper: Good answer.
|| |||| |||____||_____||| || Harry : I'll try some coffee."
makes it possible... Twin Peaks
Contents of util/arc/MUGcut.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3095 6921 44.7% -lh5- ca87 Feb 12 1993 MUGcut/MUGcut.doc
[generic] 2835 4224 67.1% -lh5- 193d Feb 12 1993 MUGcut/MUGcut13
[generic] 1853 2696 68.7% -lh5- 1fc5 Feb 12 1993 MUGcut/MUGcut20
[generic] 1700 5735 29.6% -lh5- 62a3 Feb 12 1993 MUGcut/txt/MUGcut13.MOD
[generic] 1668 5853 28.5% -lh5- 0b01 Feb 12 1993 MUGcut/txt/MUGcut20.MOD
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 11151 25429 43.9% Feb 12 1993
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