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Short:V1.94 Check for Archive/Packer/Virus
Author: stoecker at (Dirk Stoecker)
Uploader:stoecker epost de (Dirk Stoecker)
Requires:util/arc/xadmaster.lha util/pack/xfdmaster.lha util/virus/xvslibrary.lha util/pack/xpk_User.lha
Download:util/arc/CheckX.lha - View contents

This program uses xfdmaster.library (see util/pack/xfdmaster.lha) and
xvs.library (util/virus/xvsLibrary.lha) for packer and virus scanning.
The xadmaster.library (see util/arc/xadmaster.lha) is used to dearchive
file and disk archives.

The xfdmaster.library (V39) and xadmaster.library (V10) are needed to
run the utility. The xvs.library is recommended! The xpkmaster.library
is needed with ASKPWD password only (and to decrunch XPKF files).

NOTE: xadmaster.library is Shareware, so think about registering when
using this utility. See conditions in xadmaster.library distribution.

CheckX unpacks archives and packed files as deep as possible:
 - you can unarchive a crunched archive as well
 - multiple crunched files can be decrunched
 - multiple archives can be extracted
 - multiple disk archives can be extracted
 - linked and crunched and archived files are no problem

This all depends mainly on your memory size! I have around 50MB and have
only little problems with really large files.

Call CheckX with a ? and you get following argument list:
Enter a ? again and you get a short doc:
 FROM        source file or directory - may contain patterns
 LOG         log file name
 SAVE        directory, where decrunched files are saved
 ALL         scan deep into directories
 ASKPWD      ask for password when needed (needs xpkmaster.library)
 PRINTALL    print all filenames
 PRINTEXEC   print names of all executable files
 NODECRUNCH  do not decrunch files with xfdmaster
 NOUNLINK    do not unlink files with xfdmaster
 NOUNARCHIVE do not unarchive file archives with xadmaster
 NOUNTRACK   do not unarchive track archives with xadmaster
 NOSECTOR    do not check the files for virus infected sectors
 NOSILENT    do not disable dos requests
 NOSTRIP     do not strip useless hunks
 NOVIRUS     do not scan with xvs.library for viruses
 DEBUG       also output texts to serial debug engine
 QUIET       do not output texts to console
 SAVEALL     saves all files (also uncrunched) except address files
 CRC         print CRC32 in fornt of each filename
 DEEPNAME    print own name for every part (e.g. unliked parts)
 SINGLEVIRUS do not count one virus infected file multiple times

A bit more explanation:
LOG         The output is written to a file as well as to the standard
            output stream. The main purpose CheckX was written for is
            to scan for crunched files and to test the decrunch
            routines. So the logging may take some more time, but is
            very stable, as the last log-entry is always the file which
            possibly crashed the machine.
            The logfile can be accessed by other programs for read and write
            the whole time CheckX works (and surely after that). But writing
            is not recommended, as this may produce a corrupted file.
SAVE        If this keyword is given, all uncrunched/unlinked/stripped
            files will be saved in the directory given with that keyword.
            The directory must already exist! Sub directories are created
            If files are unlinked, they get saved with .1, .2, ...
            extensions. Address crunched files are not saved. Use
            xfdDecrunchAddr or xfdDecrunch to do so.
DEBUG       Should not be used normally. This brings the normal output to
            serial debugging terminal or catcher tools like Sushi. This
            makes it a lot easier to detect files producing hits.
ASKPWD      Calls the xpkmaster.library password request to get a password.
            For file and disk archives the password is asked after first
            getting an password error. The inserted password is reused for
            next data and only if it is wrong it is again requested.
            For individual files the password is requested every time.
NOSECTOR    disables XVS sector checking. Note that CheckX normally checks
            all files and thus may produce wrong detections with normal files
            (although this should be very rare). This is done to get all disk
            images checked also.
CRC         This calculates an CRC32 for every file and prints it in front of
            the output. You may use this to check your system for
            modifications. Especially useful with PRINTALL/PRINTEXEC option
            (and sometimes with DEEPNAME).
DEEPNAME    This prints a new name for all passes (like unlinking, decrunching
            and all the others). The output thus will be much more wasted with
            name elements. The only useful usage of this is together with CRC
            option to find out the checksums of intermediate files.
SINGLEVIRUS Sometimes XVS recognices crunched and linked versions of viruses
            as well as the uncrunched variants. CheckX thus also reports the
            virus multiple times. Also there may be multiple viruses in one
            file. This option only affects the status at end of output. It
            reduces the number of reported viruses to the number of infected
            files by eliminating multiple reports. The virus output itself is
            not affected. This may be useful to compare output with other
            virus checkers.

The default options are best for virus-checking, so it is not recommended to
turn on any of the options starting with "NO". Also to be really sure you
found all viruses, install newest versions of XFD, XAD and XVS libraries.

CheckX has following return values:
 0  - all ok
 5  - either no virus checking possible or virus found
 20 - an error occured and CheckX was unable to do anything

CheckX cannot scan files, which are read-protected. You get CheckX error 4
as result in that case. Unprotect files and scan again when you want. For
files contained in archives, the protection bits are ignored.

CheckX is completely reentrant and may work fine twice or more times
parallel (You can set the pure file protection bit and make it resident).
But it is not recommended to call it multiple times as CheckX normally needs
lots of memory.

This is a batch tool, so drink a coffee or two or three during its work.
Check the logfile afterwards. Use a text-editor and scan case sensitive
for "-Virus" and you get lines which are related to viruses (and mostly
only the important lines). A scan with "XFD-", "XAD-", "CheckX-" or
"-Error" brings lines which produced errors.

The complete number of found viruses is logged at the file end, if the
scan found some of them. Also the scan time and the number of errors
(if some appeared) is logged.

If the permanent file scrolling slows down your computer try setting the
output stream to a raw mode display using following redirect command:
To get CheckX really silent either use LOG option and call CheckX with
QUIET or redirect normal output into logfile with ">filename".

CheckX detects all the viruses found by xvs.library, which contains the
complete antivirus knowledge of VirusZ utility by Georg Hörmann, Alex van
Niel and Jan Erik Olausen. CheckX cannot remove detected viruses. You
still need antivirus software like VirusZ, VirusExecutor, VT or
Virus_Checker. I always run VirusZ in the background to check for viruses.
CheckX also scans disk archive information texts for packers and viruses,
bootsectors of dearchived disks and is able to scan for destroyed sectors.
The memory is scanned once after starting CheckX.

Error 11 (Could not check for virus) mostly means, that the file is a bit
to large and such files are normally archives only. So in most cases this
error is harmless!

If there are serious errors, please report them, but CheckX has a long
way of development and I hope it is really stable now.
Send me files, which cause the system to bring Enforcer/MungWall/PatchWork
hits or crash the computer. If the files are larger, please contact me

SortCheckX: This little tool sorts the output of CheckX by filename
(keeping the tree structure intact). This is very helpful when comparing
older logfiles with newer ones (as the scanning order may differ). Also
The option OLDFIX allows to change some of the older texts to their newer
variants, to reduce differences. This tools wants a filename as input and
possibly also a filename as output. If there is no output filename, it
outputs to standard output. Do not expect anything useful for other
files than CheckX output! The CRC option sorts files created with CRC

Short history (full history see source code):
 1.85  12.07.01 : added sector checks, reduced final file size
 1.86  30.09.01 : sector check is default now, bug fixes
 1.87  27.01.02 : added CRC calculation and DEEPNAME option
 1.88  31.08.02 : added ASKPWD for disk archives
 1.89  06.10.02 : workaround for file
 1.90  20.11.02 : fixed CRC problem
 1.91  29.12.02 : readded bootblock virus detection after XVS changed in this
 1.92  30.12.02 : Last version produced to many wrong virus hits, fixed
 1.93  01.01.03 : fixed missing TAG_DONE
 1.94  03.01.03 : fixed bug related to workaround, added SINGLEVIRUS

This program is Freeware. Use it as you want, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY!

Contact me at:

* snail-mail:                  * e-mail:                            *
*   Dirk Stoecker              *                *
*   Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 *                *
*   01877 Bischofswerda        * world wide web:                    *
*   GERMANY                    *         *
* phone:                       * pgp key:                           *
*   GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 *   get from WWW pages or keyservers *

Following is my PGP signature for the corresponding LhA-File.
Use ' pgpv CheckX.readme -o CheckX.lha ' to check it.
Key fingerprint: B9 F2 3A 1A 29 02 75 16  6A C6 5B 7D 5E F6 16 CF.
All my releases after April 2001 have a PGP signature with this key.
Be alarmed if signature is missing or wrong.

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: 1sl08lsldo4LMECpHELK51Uxw1j50E9z


Contents of util/arc/CheckX.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1519    2146  70.8% -lh5- 9137 Mar  9  2003
[generic]                 7103   12064  58.9% -lh5- 7c73 Mar  9  2003 CheckX/CheckX
[generic]                 4289   10357  41.4% -lh5- 3f70 Mar  9  2003 CheckX/CheckX.readme
[generic]                 2200    3472  63.4% -lh5- 53d5 Mar  9  2003 CheckX/SortCheckX
[generic]                16973   59652  28.5% -lh5- 9bcf Mar  9  2003 CheckX/sources/CheckX.c
[generic]                 1536    4065  37.8% -lh5- 15f3 Mar  9  2003 CheckX/sources/Include/SDI_compiler.h
[generic]                  455    1074  42.4% -lh5- 31c9 Mar  9  2003 CheckX/sources/SMakeFile
[generic]                 5681   22459  25.3% -lh5- 3fa2 Mar  9  2003 CheckX/sources/SortCheckX.c
[generic]                  732    1453  50.4% -lh5- 78b3 Mar  9  2003 CheckX/sources/StartCode.a
[generic]                  169     192  88.0% -lh5- 6585 Mar  9  2003 CheckX/sources/StartCode.o
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        10 files   40657  116934  34.8%            Mar 23  2003
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