84782 packages online
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This is a collection of Compugraphic Intellifonts. This format is
directly understood by the Amiga OS. To install, copy them anywhere
onto your hard disk and use the Intellifont (or Fountain) tool in
your System drawer to announce them to the system.
Note that the collection of Adobe fonts is bigger and that the
Adobe versions of the same fonts look slightly better.
All fonts in this collection have hints. These are instructions how to
make the fonts look good at low resolutions.
In the archive pix/illu/AminetPFonts.lha you find a set of images
displaying all fonts of the whole font collection. Also, each archives
contains an archive index image and an image for each font. Note however
that these images were made from the .pfb versions of these fonts.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
24862 13419 46.0% 18-Jan-96 21:14:58 0Serif12_Index.iff
2428 1330 45.2% 15-Jan-96 17:59:26 MariageBold.iff
61326 45906 25.1% 11-Jan-96 21:27:04 MariageBold.type
1960 1161 40.7% 15-Jan-96 17:59:30 MariageExtended.iff
56270 41194 26.7% 11-Jan-96 21:28:42 MariageExtended.type
2612 1309 49.8% 15-Jan-96 18:00:02 MeatLoafItal.iff
35828 26196 26.8% 11-Jan-96 21:44:32 MeatLoafItal.type
674 337 50.0% 15-Jan-96 18:00:04 Medici.iff
36006 27501 23.6% 11-Jan-96 21:47:04 Medici.type
1726 919 46.7% 15-Jan-96 18:00:18 MemBembo.iff
82186 49654 39.5% 11-Jan-96 21:53:44 MemBembo.type
1554 946 39.1% 15-Jan-96 18:01:04 MemoryItal.iff
45096 33947 24.7% 11-Jan-96 22:07:46 MemoryItal.type
2040 1048 48.6% 15-Jan-96 18:01:12 MemRockwell.iff
59512 35118 40.9% 11-Jan-96 22:09:24 MemRockwell.type
2376 1486 37.4% 15-Jan-96 18:01:52 MerlinItal.iff
125332 73110 41.6% 11-Jan-96 22:27:16 MerlinItal.type
1900 1186 37.5% 15-Jan-96 18:01:56 MerlinThin.iff
119740 71272 40.4% 11-Jan-96 22:32:26 MerlinThin.type
2296 1097 52.2% 15-Jan-96 18:02:18 MeteorBold.iff
85706 50680 40.8% 11-Jan-96 22:51:50 MeteorBold.type
1782 1038 41.7% 15-Jan-96 18:02:22 MeteorItal.iff
80608 49696 38.3% 11-Jan-96 22:52:46 MeteorItal.type
1558 796 48.9% 15-Jan-96 18:02:26 MeteorThin.iff
77434 45967 40.6% 11-Jan-96 22:53:46 MeteorThin.type
3024 1682 44.3% 15-Jan-96 18:02:28 Metroliner.iff
45258 33521 25.9% 11-Jan-96 22:54:52 Metroliner.type
2936 1935 34.0% 15-Jan-96 18:02:30 MetrolinerObl.iff
44450 34202 23.0% 11-Jan-96 22:55:40 MetrolinerObl.type
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1008480 647653 35.7% 04-Nov-95 17:08:06 29 files
Contents of text/ifont/Serif12.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 13419 24862 54.0% -lh5- 70ef Jan 18 1996 0Serif12_Index.iff
[generic] 1330 2428 54.8% -lh5- 9412 Jan 15 1996 MariageBold.iff
[generic] 45906 61326 74.9% -lh5- 2809 Jan 11 1996 MariageBold.type
[generic] 1161 1960 59.2% -lh5- 26fc Jan 15 1996 MariageExtended.iff
[generic] 41194 56270 73.2% -lh5- 93b7 Jan 11 1996 MariageExtended.type
[generic] 1309 2612 50.1% -lh5- f8ea Jan 15 1996 MeatLoafItal.iff
[generic] 26196 35828 73.1% -lh5- 0178 Jan 11 1996 MeatLoafItal.type
[generic] 337 674 50.0% -lh5- fef5 Jan 15 1996 Medici.iff
[generic] 27501 36006 76.4% -lh5- a064 Jan 11 1996 Medici.type
[generic] 919 1726 53.2% -lh5- c95b Jan 15 1996 MemBembo.iff
[generic] 49654 82186 60.4% -lh5- c519 Jan 11 1996 MemBembo.type
[generic] 946 1554 60.9% -lh5- bb7d Jan 15 1996 MemoryItal.iff
[generic] 33947 45096 75.3% -lh5- ba03 Jan 11 1996 MemoryItal.type
[generic] 1048 2040 51.4% -lh5- 4828 Jan 15 1996 MemRockwell.iff
[generic] 35118 59512 59.0% -lh5- db8f Jan 11 1996 MemRockwell.type
[generic] 1486 2376 62.5% -lh5- 683f Jan 15 1996 MerlinItal.iff
[generic] 73110 125332 58.3% -lh5- 95de Jan 11 1996 MerlinItal.type
[generic] 1186 1900 62.4% -lh5- efc6 Jan 15 1996 MerlinThin.iff
[generic] 71272 119740 59.5% -lh5- cd74 Jan 11 1996 MerlinThin.type
[generic] 1097 2296 47.8% -lh5- 63c5 Jan 15 1996 MeteorBold.iff
[generic] 50680 85706 59.1% -lh5- 75ef Jan 11 1996 MeteorBold.type
[generic] 1038 1782 58.2% -lh5- e583 Jan 15 1996 MeteorItal.iff
[generic] 49696 80608 61.7% -lh5- 9e3e Jan 11 1996 MeteorItal.type
[generic] 796 1558 51.1% -lh5- 4ba7 Jan 15 1996 MeteorThin.iff
[generic] 45967 77434 59.4% -lh5- 4008 Jan 11 1996 MeteorThin.type
[generic] 1682 3024 55.6% -lh5- 481e Jan 15 1996 Metroliner.iff
[generic] 33521 45258 74.1% -lh5- 1fa8 Jan 11 1996 Metroliner.type
[generic] 1935 2936 65.9% -lh5- cbda Jan 15 1996 MetrolinerObl.iff
[generic] 34202 44450 76.9% -lh5- d607 Jan 11 1996 MetrolinerObl.type
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 29 files 647653 1008480 64.2% Nov 4 1995
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Müller and the Aminet team.
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