HTMLstrip v2.3 (C) 2001-2010 Lorence Lombardo.
What the @#$% is HTMLstrip ?
HTMLstrip is a very thorough HTML stripper which is also able to translate
all of the characters from the ISO-8859 ASCII table which can be represented
in numerical or entity names. It also gives you the option of replacing some
HTML text codes for Amiga text codes. Such as bold, italic, underline etc....
Texts will be word wrapped by default of 76 characters in length. Setting
the wrap length to 0 or less than 15 will disable wrapping. WorkBench usage
is fairly straight forward and a multi file selection can be made.
If no CLI parameters are supplied then the "reqtools.library" is required.
CLI usage is as follows:-
Usage:- HTMLstrip <file> <r> <w(N)>
<r> = Replace, & is optional.
<w(N)> = Wrap, & is optional, default is 76 & 0 is no wrap.
eg. HTMLstrip text.html r w65
The output file will have the same name as the input file with the extension
#?.strip added to it.
eg. If the input file is "text.html" then the output file will be
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