84781 packages online
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This font, like most in this directory, is created from a PostScript
scalable original. Precomputing makes sense if your font rendering
engine is slow, inferior or you don't have one.
Each archive has its index image. A collection of all index images
is found in pix/illu/AminetBFonts.lha
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1824 74 95.9% 19-Jan-96 04:55:02 Zipper.font
3296 1527 53.6% 16-Jan-96 08:43:42 +10
4576 2189 52.1% 16-Jan-96 08:43:50 +15
11536 4440 61.5% 16-Jan-96 08:43:56 +30
23296 6730 71.1% 16-Jan-96 08:44:04 +45
39916 9932 75.1% 16-Jan-96 08:44:12 +60
61336 12851 79.0% 18-Jan-96 02:07:42 +75
87376 15685 82.0% 18-Jan-96 02:08:00 +90
1824 77 95.7% 19-Jan-96 04:55:04 ZorroBold.font
4016 2080 48.2% 16-Jan-96 08:44:18 +10
6136 3269 46.7% 16-Jan-96 08:44:28 +15
17776 7998 55.0% 16-Jan-96 08:44:34 +30
37696 13243 64.8% 16-Jan-96 08:44:42 +45
65596 19412 70.4% 16-Jan-96 08:44:54 +60
101536 25691 74.6% 18-Jan-96 02:08:12 +75
145876 32033 78.0% 18-Jan-96 02:08:28 +90
1824 77 95.7% 19-Jan-96 04:55:04 ZorroITAL.font
3756 1871 50.1% 16-Jan-96 08:44:58 +10
5804 3069 47.1% 16-Jan-96 08:45:08 +15
17236 7603 55.8% 16-Jan-96 08:45:16 +30
36524 13077 64.1% 16-Jan-96 08:45:24 +45
63316 18963 70.0% 16-Jan-96 08:45:34 +60
98236 25664 73.8% 18-Jan-96 02:08:42 +75
141016 32052 77.2% 18-Jan-96 02:09:00 +90
1824 77 95.7% 19-Jan-96 04:55:04 ZorroTHIN.font
3456 1727 50.0% 16-Jan-96 08:45:40 +10
4756 2520 47.0% 16-Jan-96 08:45:50 +15
11656 6168 47.0% 16-Jan-96 08:45:56 +30
23564 10360 56.0% 16-Jan-96 08:46:04 +45
40516 15371 62.0% 16-Jan-96 08:46:14 +60
62384 19672 68.4% 18-Jan-96 02:09:14 +75
88996 25504 71.3% 18-Jan-96 02:09:30 +90
8126 4453 45.2% 18-Jan-96 08:14:40 0BSans2_Index.IFF
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1226602 345459 71.8% 04-Nov-95 17:08:06 33 files
Contents of text/bfont/BSans2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 74 1824 4.1% -lh5- 879d Jan 19 1996 Zipper.font
[generic] 1527 3296 46.3% -lh5- 5557 Jan 16 1996 Zipper/10
[generic] 2189 4576 47.8% -lh5- e8af Jan 16 1996 Zipper/15
[generic] 4440 11536 38.5% -lh5- 5a1d Jan 16 1996 Zipper/30
[generic] 6730 23296 28.9% -lh5- fe66 Jan 16 1996 Zipper/45
[generic] 9932 39916 24.9% -lh5- e3cf Jan 16 1996 Zipper/60
[generic] 12851 61336 21.0% -lh5- 8b8f Jan 18 1996 Zipper/75
[generic] 15685 87376 18.0% -lh5- 7444 Jan 18 1996 Zipper/90
[generic] 77 1824 4.2% -lh5- c97b Jan 19 1996 ZorroBold.font
[generic] 2080 4016 51.8% -lh5- 9b06 Jan 16 1996 ZorroBold/10
[generic] 3269 6136 53.3% -lh5- db03 Jan 16 1996 ZorroBold/15
[generic] 7998 17776 45.0% -lh5- 2138 Jan 16 1996 ZorroBold/30
[generic] 13243 37696 35.1% -lh5- 8217 Jan 16 1996 ZorroBold/45
[generic] 19412 65596 29.6% -lh5- d676 Jan 16 1996 ZorroBold/60
[generic] 25691 101536 25.3% -lh5- 7149 Jan 18 1996 ZorroBold/75
[generic] 32033 145876 22.0% -lh5- 5e52 Jan 18 1996 ZorroBold/90
[generic] 77 1824 4.2% -lh5- 87d1 Jan 19 1996 ZorroITAL.font
[generic] 1871 3756 49.8% -lh5- 081d Jan 16 1996 ZorroITAL/10
[generic] 3069 5804 52.9% -lh5- ac83 Jan 16 1996 ZorroITAL/15
[generic] 7603 17236 44.1% -lh5- 02a8 Jan 16 1996 ZorroITAL/30
[generic] 13077 36524 35.8% -lh5- 648c Jan 16 1996 ZorroITAL/45
[generic] 18963 63316 29.9% -lh5- 5182 Jan 16 1996 ZorroITAL/60
[generic] 25664 98236 26.1% -lh5- 2238 Jan 18 1996 ZorroITAL/75
[generic] 32052 141016 22.7% -lh5- 7f3c Jan 18 1996 ZorroITAL/90
[generic] 77 1824 4.2% -lh5- 2f81 Jan 19 1996 ZorroTHIN.font
[generic] 1727 3456 50.0% -lh5- 2a80 Jan 16 1996 ZorroTHIN/10
[generic] 2520 4756 53.0% -lh5- c5c9 Jan 16 1996 ZorroTHIN/15
[generic] 6168 11656 52.9% -lh5- d10b Jan 16 1996 ZorroTHIN/30
[generic] 10360 23564 44.0% -lh5- b424 Jan 16 1996 ZorroTHIN/45
[generic] 15371 40516 37.9% -lh5- b778 Jan 16 1996 ZorroTHIN/60
[generic] 19672 62384 31.5% -lh5- 232a Jan 18 1996 ZorroTHIN/75
[generic] 25504 88996 28.7% -lh5- 1321 Jan 18 1996 ZorroTHIN/90
[generic] 4453 8126 54.8% -lh5- e298 Jan 18 1996 0BSans2_Index.IFF
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 33 files 345459 1226602 28.2% Nov 4 1995
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