This is my attempt of another WB grab. Showing many of my own icons and so.
I using first 8 colors MWB, another 8 colors are my own colors for more
colorfull icons and all other's are free for OS and textures ;)
Hope you, like it!
In other hand, this is also my TESTING upload, so ;)
About machine, this is poor one todays, so here is my precise config:
A1200T (A4000 keyboard), KS 3.1 (40.68), Blizzard 1260, 96MB fast, Z2 slots,
CyberVision3D & scandoubler, Eizo F35, two 2.1 GBy ULTRA FAST WIDE SCSI 3
drives (Western Digital Enterprise 2170), 32xspeed SCSI CD rom
(Toshiba XM-6201B), HD drive, Supra 33.6 V+ and nice HF aparature. Running
WB 40.42, SetPatch 43.6, 060 library 44.5, MultiCX 2.62, ROM is maped to RAM
and FastExec is used to fix Blizzard bug and push execbase and supervisor
stack to fast-ram for speed-up.
As you can see, nothing special, no patches and so ;)
If you want write my or swap sometimes few words with cool & friendly czech
guy, feel free contact me ;)
Troda of PEGAS
graphician and cool guy ;)
Pavel Narozny, U Zebracky 22, 750 00 Prerov, Czech republic