This is a new snapshot of my Workbench, after a days' work converting to the brilliant! NewIconsV4- with DefIcons and all the other stuff running. -1 pen precision, etc, etc. The DOpus icons were han
d drawn by myself, but the rest is by the authors of NewIcons.
I am the author of the soon-to-be-released Workbench Plus Pack (shh!), the home page is below. It is currently under development, to see the logo (if you want!), then goto (and please bookmark!) http
In case you're wondering, here's my setup:
A1200 with 3.1ROM,
ICS Tower Casing,
Magnum 030 33Mhz card with 33Mhz FPU
8Mb SIMM on above
Maxtor 2.5Gb IDE HD
Samsung 8x CD-ROM
Dynalink 33.6k modem
All in all, it's pretty yummy, and it's taken quite a while to get to this stage, although I would recommend that anyone thinking of upgrading to do it! It makes such a difference to performance and
productivity, you won't ever want to go back to that old 020 (or whatever) card, that small HD, or
that sloooow CD-ROM.
Anyway, enough babbling, enjoy the screenshot!
Philip Goddard.