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Short:Shows off power of new DOpus Magellan2
Author:"Trevor Morris" tmorris at
Uploader:Trevor Morris <tmorris fundy net>
Download:pix/wb/OpusM2Preview.lha - View contents



This is a lightwave render of my computer. I built the models (monitor,
CPU, keyboard, mouse, etc.) for fun. I was playing around with trying
to make it look realistic, and in my opinion, it looks good, but not
photo-realistic (so I will keep playing :-).


I am an official DOpus beta tester and this is just a snapshot of my
workbench which has been "replaced" by DOpus5 Magellan 2. I have tried
to show off as many features as was possible in one picture so that you
get a good idea of what the newest version of DOpus5 is capable of.
This environment runs on the following:

Machine: A3000  CPU: 68030 25MHz/33Mhz 882 FPU
 Memory: 2M Chip, 16M Fast.
    Gfx: CyberVision64 4M (Picasso96 Software)
     OS: OS3.1 (Kickstart 40.62, Workbench 40.42)
     HD: Quantum 50MB (SYS), Quantum 270MB (WORK), & iomega Zip100 x12
   Misc: 1960 multisync, 14.4k modem, 12X CD-ROM
     WB: DOpus5-replacement, CVision: 8Bit 800x600 (Prolite16 locked)

Patches: KingCon, FullPalette, VisualPrefs, PatchControl, FastIPrefs,
         NewIcons, Birdie
    Cxs: MCP 1.32, Directory Opus M2, KeyReq, SoundJunkie, ClipHistory,
   Misc: MUI 3.8, RainBoot2.42

Short greets to: George Hornmoen, Steve Praught, Roman Patzner, Leo
                 Davidson, Jonathon Potter, Greg Perry, Mario Cattaneo,
                 Malcolm Harnden, Tom Mersereau, James Hayes, Helmut
                 Hummel, and all the DOpus5 beta testers!


Opus Magellan II

The Essential Workbench Replacement and File Managment system for Amiga!

Summary of Enhancements

The  Magellan-II   version  not  only  upgrades  many  of  the  earlier
functions  but  also  involves  an  extensive  re-development  of  many
components  of  the  Opus  5  system  to  give  you enhanced usability,
especially in the Workbench  Replacement Mode.  Amongst other features,
in this  version we have concentrated on providing greater user control
over your custom Environment  with a  more powerful  but easier  to use
configuration section,  plus many  new features  such as custom Themes,
custom sounds and  scripts,  improved  User  and  Start  Menus, greater
Lister functionality,  and a dramatically enhanced OpusFTP system where
you can now tailor custom setting for individual remote sites  and even
leave out  the site  or remote  files on  your Opus desktop for instant

Amongst many other features, the Magellan version gave you:-

     .    Enhanced Lister functionality  including:-  command functions
          which  act  on  icon  mode Listers; new popup menus; optional
          Space Gauge showing free space on drives, Inline  Editing for
          Name  mode  Listers  and  the  ability to drag and drop files
          directly into sub-directories.

     .    A new integrated system of Start Menus.

     .    A new Desktop Folder  mechanism: Drag  and drop  items to the
          desktop with the support of optional popup menus.

     .    A new  Icon Positioning  system. Configure  areas where icons
          will appear and their priority.

     .    Improved Icon dragging routines  plus global  control of icon
          labels and  borders; icon  label splitting for long labels; a
          new Icon  Command function  for special  "command" files; and
          the ability  to use  traditional Workbench icon positions for
          icons or exclusive Opus positioning.

     .    New Popup menus with shadow look.

     .    Integrated NewIcons support not  just for  icons but  for all
          system images including graphic button banks plus support for
          image and  animation  file  formats  including DPaintV/PPaint

The  new   Magellan-II  version  refines  and  extends  these  features
further. The new features include:-

     .    Custom Themes - customise  your  system  with  your favourite
          images, sounds, fonts and colours.

     .    Improved   Lister   layouts   including  proportional  fonts,
          resizable fields, sort indicator, better in-line editing.

     .    An amalgamated Options and Environment editor  to give  you a
          more intuitive  layout for  better management  of the display
          and program operations.

     .    Background pictures in button banks and start menus.

     .    Random Background images.

     .    New Outline and Shadow font options for Workbench display.

     .    Fully user configurable screen title for display of  used and
          available memory, OS versions, processes etc.

     .    New Sound  events for Opus and system events - attach a sound
          to inserting and removing a disk! USe Random Sounds

     .    New Opus Path List  settings allowing  you to  easily set the
          system paths for commands etc.

     .    Support for Filesystems with filenames up to 107 characters.

     .    New  graphical  layout  and  better configurability of Button
          banks and  start  menus  including  an  'auto-close' feature.
          Buttons now  support "Active Popups" - an extended popup menu
          feature where each button act as a start menu.

     .    Revised  internal  commands  with  many  now  replaceable  by
          user-defined scripts and functions.

     .    Enhanced  Scripts  system  with  more  events  and linking to
          internal commands and OpusFTP.

     .    Improved Start Menus. You can now  have multilevel  menus and
          start menus are now always 'sticky'

     .    Improved filetype  identification system  with better control
          of  multitasking  for  large  directories  and  CDs  and  new
          filetype matching functions to match foreign disk types.

     .    New and extended icon and Lister popup menus.

     .    Improved  Snapshot   ability  for  Listers,  Icon  modes  and

     .    New Icon Information  requester  with  more  detailed display
          plus new  functionality such  as ability  to change icon type
          and edit the icon images.

     .    Improved support for Drag and Drop functions.

     .    Better Icon support with faster displays.

     .    Many new ARexx commands to control Opus.

This functionality is complemented  by a  dramatically enhanced OpusFTP
module with many new features including:-

     .    Completely  revised  GUI  with new FTPAddressbook, FTPOptions
          and FTPConnect requesters.

     .    Individual  configuration  Options  for  each  site including
          custom format and custom tool bars on a site-by-site basis.

     .    Enhanced  Drag  and  Drop  allows  you to create shortcuts to
          your favourite  FTP sites,  directories and  files by leaving
          them out on the Opus Desktop for instant access.

     .    Full recursive directory copying. Copy whole directories in a
          single operation!

     .    More support for  normal  Opus  commands  including Getsizes,
          FindFiles and  the Copy  command now  supports the UPDATE and
          NEWER flags. Great for web site maintenance!

     .    Protect is fully supported with a new GUI allowing you to set
          remote protection bits in either Amiga or Unix fashion.

     .    Seven new  Scripts exclusively  for FTP  events on  a site by
          site basis.

     .    Automatic reconnection on failure or lost connection.

     .    Better  site-to-site  transfer  capability  -  transfer files
          between two remote sites without going via your Amiga.

     .    Optional  transfer  and  progress displays with more detailed

     .    Support for  firewalls and  IP Masking  with PASSIVE transfer

     .    Lister path gadgets accept industry standard URL syntax.

     .    Inline editing of Name and Protection fields now supported.

     .    Synchronous  command  structure  so interactive ARexx scripts
          are now possible!  Write  BATCH  files  to  transfer selected

     .    Speed and  efficiency improvements  with better management of
          socket options and improved support for all AmigaTCP stacks.

     .    Special popup menus for FTP Listers to access  custom Options
          and  Add  the  current  site entry details and custom options
          directly to the address book.

                            DOpus PLUS

              The Essential Companion to Opus Magellan II

To  coincide  with  the  release  of  Opus  Magellan II, GPSoftware has
commissioned a new CD  specially for  Opus users.  It gives  you custom
written tutorials  to complement Opus Magellan and collects hundreds of
megabytes of images, sounds, icons and  scripts and  other utilities to
complement your Opus installation.

*    Specially commissioned  tutorials in  html and AmigaGuide  by some
     of the leading DOpus  experts in  the world  covering such diverse
     topics as :-

     .    The definitive  Opus tutorial  - the  ideal companion for the
          new Opus  Magellan II that gives you the much more depth than
          the manual ever could!

     .    Superfluous glitz - and how to make the most of it. Advice on
          how to make your DOpus look  and  sound  as  good  as  it can
          without the strain.

     .    Coding -  the ins  and outs of the extensive DOpus ARexx port
          and  SDK  by  the  best  programmers   around.  Includes  the
          indispensable Opus  Arexx guide  and tutorial  and the Opus C
          programming guide.

     .    Filetypes - We explain how to  really get  the most  from the
          internal power of Opus.

     .    FAQ - All the questions you ever wanted answered about Opus -
          and some you didn't know about!

*    Themes galore! Special DOpus  Themes can  be immediately installed
     on your Amiga, plus megabytes of freeware and shareware Windows 95
     Themes which you can  load into  Opus Magellan  II and  convert to
     Amiga formats.

*    Lots  and  lots  of  icons  for StartMenus, Button banks and Amiga
     files and folders etc, plus  specially  designed  sets  of Toolbar
     icons from DOpus experts.

*    Lots of  predefined Filetypes  to support almost any Amiga program
     or file.

*    Complete collection of all  Opus  related  files  from  Aminet and
     other sources.

*    Indispensable Opus Arexx utilities and scripts including:-

     .    Enhanced ArcDir - open archives directly in an Opus Lister.
     .    BatchFTP script - automate your FTP downloads.
     .    ImageConvert -  a custom script to convert Windows Themes and
          associated files to Amiga formats.
     .    DirTree - view directories in Tree style.
     .    AppLauncher - custom launcher for your favourite programs.
     .    plus many more essential items to make your Opus the  envy of
          the neighbourhood!

*    Includes  many  other  utilities  to support your Opus Magellan II

Contact your local Amiga dealer  or  distributor  for  availability and
pricing information. Or contact us directly for further information.


GPSoftware Distributors World-Wide

UK                    Germany              USA
Wizard Developments   Schatztruhe          Micro R&D
PO Box 490            Veronikastr 33       721 'O' Street
Dartford, Kent        45131 Essen          Loup City, NE 68853
England  DA1 2UH      Germany              USA
Ph +44 1322 527800    Ph +49 201 788778    Ph +1 308 745 1243
Fax +44 1322 527810   Fax +49 201 798447   Fax +1 308 745 1246

Small-Biz Software
PO Box 24
Golden Beach, Qld
Australia 4551
Ph +61 (74) 919190
Fax +61 (74) 926860

Dr Greg Perry, GPSoftware, Brisbane.
GPSoftware PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Brisbane, Australia 4060
Phone/Fax +61 7 33661402


Contents of pix/wb/OpusM2Preview.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               143856  143856 100.0% -lh0- 2f20 Oct 25  1998 OpusM2Preview.gif
[generic]                 1535    3381  45.4% -lh5- e346 Oct 25  1998
[generic]                 1477    2465  59.9% -lh5- 6dc4 Oct 25  1998
[generic]               110883  110883 100.0% -lh0- 5f15 Nov 10  1998 MyComputer.jpg
[generic]                 1561    3386  46.1% -lh5- d10d Nov 10  1998
[generic]                 5083   12382  41.1% -lh5- 2f32 Nov 10  1998 OpusM2Preview.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         6 files  264395  276353  95.7%            Nov 17  1998
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