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I realized LostCity with Real 3D and my Amiga 4000/ 040 with 16 MB Ram.
The whole picture has been realized with Real 3D V3 and Freeform v 1.9.
The wonderful sky has been generated by Real 3D starting from a tiny 5 bit
greyscale brush, using the excellent tutorial by Matthew Bell (found in the CD
Rom 3D Arena) for creating sunsets. (I could create it using the scope handler
as well, but the time to render would have been at least 3 times slower!).
The rendering (full ray-tracing) required around 2 hours, with these options:
AA=3, LightSampl=3.
If you liked this picture, please, let me know!
AUTHOR: Luca Bazzoni
L. Bazzoni@agora.stm.it
LostCity.jpg is NOT Public Domain. The author keeps all rights on it. It cannot
be changed in any way.
LostCity can be inserted in any PD Collection, like Aminet, but you SHOULD
send me a copy of the DISK or CD-ROM where you have put it.
If you need exceptions to these rules, you MUST contact me.
If you want to use this picture for a cover picture (books, CDs, magazines,
etc.), please, contact me via e-mail (I can generate LostCity in any resolution,
like 2048*1366 or more, and without the ugly e-mail address...).
Contents of pix/real3/LostCity.jpg
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