84782 packages online
pix/misc/ALEM_0032.lha |
No screenshot available
Status: Freeware
Distribution: Aminet:sites & cd authorized
Others: authorization required (email)
Total Size: (uncompressed): 2.439.795 bytes
Country: France
© Alain LEMOINE - 2000
All rights reserved
Only for a private use
* 6 Digitized Backgrounds for ScalaMultimedia
* Photographies digitized with Epson GT7000 scanner
* Author of these photographies: Alain LEMOINE
* Theme of these photographies: nature
* Size: 736*566 in 128 colors
* N.B.: With 128 colors, you can make transition
between two pages with very little palette problem! (AGA)
* If you appreciate these picture, please send an
email to the author...
* Content of the archive:
ALEM_VideoBackground.index: Vignettes
ALEM_VideoBackground_01.pic: Granite veiné
ALEM_VideoBackground_02.pic: Granite poli
ALEM_VideoBackground_03.pic: Mica
ALEM_VideoBackground_04.pic: Schiste
ALEM_VideoBackground_05.pic: Lagune
ALEM_VideoBackground_06.pic: Maïs moissonné
ALEM_VideoBackground_99.pic: Informations
------------------------- end of file -------------------------
Contents of pix/misc/ALEM_0032.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 637 1457 43.7% -lh5- 7162 Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_0032.readme
[generic] 317 918 34.5% -lh5- f83f Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_0032.readme.info
[generic] 111692 136132 82.0% -lh5- fefd Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_VideoBackground.index
[generic] 345924 362244 95.5% -lh5- d92c Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_VideoBackground_01.pic
[generic] 339444 359190 94.5% -lh5- 8285 Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_VideoBackground_02.pic
[generic] 339598 355946 95.4% -lh5- c7d3 Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_VideoBackground_03.pic
[generic] 320893 349128 91.9% -lh5- 4ea4 Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_VideoBackground_04.pic
[generic] 334840 349428 95.8% -lh5- cb4a Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_VideoBackground_05.pic
[generic] 341852 361488 94.6% -lh5- 14ed Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_VideoBackground_06.pic
[generic] 151687 163864 92.6% -lh5- 9068 Sep 25 2000 ALEM_0032/ALEM_VideoBackground_99.pic
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 2286884 2439795 93.7% Sep 26 2000
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