84782 packages online
pix/misc/ALEM_0003.lha |
No screenshot available
Status: Freeware
Distribution: Aminet:sites & cd authorized
Others:authorization required (e-mail)
Total Size: (uncompressed): 2.377.806 bytes
Country: France
© Alain LEMOINE - 1999
All rights reserved
Only for a private use
* Scans made with handy-scanners: _ GoldenImage B&W
_ PowerScanner B&W
_ AlfaData Color12bits
* Some scans B&W have been colorized with DeluxePaint
* Nota: Photographies have been made by Alem himself.
* Configuration used: Amiga 1200-Blizzard1260/50mhz-32Mo
* If you appreciate these images, please send a mail to the author!
* Contents of the archive:
ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_07.pic: Vitrail de Quimper
ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_08.pic: Eurodisney: village
ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_09.pic: Eurodisney: l'aventure
ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_10.pic: Paysage de Bretagne
ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_11.pic: Sépulture Viking d'Aalborg (DK)
ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_12.pic: Timothée en bas-relief
ALEM_SCAN_GoldenImage_01.pic: Titre en patchwork
ALEM_SCAN_GoldenImage_06.pic: Boiseries
ALEM_SCAN_GoldenImage_11.pic: Jardin exotique de Monaco
ALEM_SCAN_PowerScanner_05.pic: Cascade de Haute-Loire
------------------------- end of file -------------------------
Contents of pix/misc/ALEM_0003.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 738 1606 46.0% -lh5- 19ad Jan 16 2000 ALEM_0003/ALEM_0003.readme
[generic] 318 918 34.6% -lh5- f83f Nov 15 1999 ALEM_0003/ALEM_0003.readme.info
[generic] 137351 154788 88.7% -lh5- c242 Nov 14 1999 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_07.pic
[generic] 373629 392282 95.2% -lh5- 293f Jun 16 1997 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_08.pic
[generic] 362938 388574 93.4% -lh5- 1b60 Jun 16 1997 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_09.pic
[generic] 288977 417412 69.2% -lh5- bf71 Nov 14 1999 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_10.pic
[generic] 405050 405050 100.0% -lh0- c89e Oct 16 1999 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_11.pic
[generic] 87021 106006 82.1% -lh5- 0689 May 11 1997 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_Alfacolor_12.pic
[generic] 91685 117978 77.7% -lh5- c9b6 Feb 2 1994 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_GoldenImage_01.pic
[generic] 219733 243490 90.2% -lh5- 73c2 Sep 16 1998 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_GoldenImage_06.pic
[generic] 41022 53120 77.2% -lh5- db77 Oct 22 1999 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_GoldenImage_11.pic
[generic] 77093 96582 79.8% -lh5- 673d Oct 18 1999 ALEM_0003/ALEM_SCAN_PowerScanner_05.pic
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 12 files 2085555 2377806 87.7% Jan 18 2000
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