84781 packages online
pix/anim/ACG_Legacy-1.lha |
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It looks like there was something wrong with the first scripts, for some weird
reasons the player didn't loaded the files the way it was planned, so
some amiga users had problems with this. I think I have solved the problem
I'm sorry for all the troubles, if you had downloaded this file before the scripts
were corrected don't download this whole file again, just send me an e-mail and
I will send you the scripts.
This is the story of the amiga so far. With this anim I wanted to
show all the things that amiga had to face, however I decided to do this
with a knights and dragons story, so we could say that all the things showed
in this anim are based in real amiga facts, I'm sure that many will agree that
amiga is a real heroine. :)
this anim is destroyware, if you like it please destroy one p.c. it can be
the p.c. of your dad, girlfriend, school, etc. just let me know ok? BTW one p.c.
user wrote to me complaining about my destroyware fee, he was really ofended so
as you can see it really works. :)
of course if you like more the giftware fee well, fell free to tell me :) I can
accept almost everything, from cards to cars :)
my address is:
apdo. postal a-059
coahuila#5 col. roma
06703 mexico d.f.
I also want to thank all the companies that gave me authorization to use their
names on this anim, sadly it was impossible to mention them all in one screen,
(well some others never answer my mails) anyway thanks.
Finally I included a small workbench background that I made some time ago,
called billy_inside hope you like it.
the whole anim was made with an amiga 1200 with 2 megs of memory and hd. (now try to
do that on a p.c.)
running time: 16 min.
This anim is split in 2 lha files: legacy-1 and legacy-2 (otherwise it would have been
a litle bit painfull to download).
send me and email to my address: arisc@geocities.com
irc: usually I'm on the channels: #amiga, #mexico (yes I'm mexican:))
and #espanol. My nick is: hunter_ if you see me tell me what's your opinion,
Contents of pix/anim/ACG_Legacy-1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1194 2254 53.0% -lh5- e07b Sep 2 1992 ACG_Legacy-1.readme
[generic] 1285 6584 19.5% -lh5- 45d4 Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_legacy.info
[generic] 430 703 61.2% -lh5- 0610 Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/35.Amiga_Legacy.AED
[generic] 625 1739 35.9% -lh5- 9d30 Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/35.Amiga_legacy.AED.info
[generic] 4084463 8464948 48.3% -lh5- ccb0 Feb 28 1998 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/35.Amiga_Legacy_b
[generic] 1273 4782 26.6% -lh5- 38fa Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/amiga_legacy.AED
[generic] 770 2128 36.2% -lh5- f6df Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/amiga_legacy2.AED
[generic] 50575 122992 41.1% -lh5- 121b Feb 13 1998 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/AnimatEDPlay
[generic] 1653 2527 65.4% -lh5- e5f6 Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/AnimatEDPlay.info
[generic] 14099 20540 68.6% -lh5- fee6 Sep 13 1995 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/DistantDestruc
[generic] 5274 7108 74.2% -lh5- d2f4 Sep 7 1997 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/Gig
[generic] 9175 10928 84.0% -lh5- 4459 Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/grr
[generic] 102352 204064 50.2% -lh5- ff2e Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/intro
[generic] 275 433 63.5% -lh5- 76a2 Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/le
[generic] 87738 133096 65.9% -lh5- 980d Oct 22 1997 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/mod.battleplan
[generic] 70467 106862 65.9% -lh5- d961 May 2 1997 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/mod.Behind
[generic] 160304 207456 77.3% -lh5- 238f Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/mod.Good-Morning
[generic] 91400 171850 53.2% -lh5- 9bd4 Feb 6 1993 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/mod.HallOfDreams
[generic] 75126 107392 70.0% -lh5- 56bf Apr 2 1996 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/mod.Legacy
[generic] 278707 407178 68.4% -lh5- f08b Nov 2 1996 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/mod.Symphony
[generic] 18412 23362 78.8% -lh5- 1842 Sep 13 1995 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/PhotonTorpedo
[generic] 12689 19692 64.4% -lh5- fb77 Jan 5 1980 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/Proudly006
[generic] 16874 32512 51.9% -lh5- df30 Sep 2 1992 Anim_Amiga_Legacy/wind
[generic] 30186 53034 56.9% -lh5- 527d Sep 2 1992 Billy_Inside
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 24 files 5115346 10114164 50.6% Apr 12 1998
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