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VistaPro DEM files from USGS files found on spectrum.xerox.com.
Converted by Mike Bandy.
LhA Evaluation V1.32 - Copyright (c) 1991,92 Stefan Boberg.
All rights reserved. Not for commercial use.
Listing of archive 'VDEM-MD-DC.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
173685 96944 44.1% 31-Jan-93 14:37:18 gaithersburg.DEM
585 375 35.8% 02-Feb-93 20:20:46 gaithersburg.head
173422 87477 49.5% 31-Jan-93 14:36:24 germantown.DEM
585 376 35.7% 02-Feb-93 20:20:54 germantown.head
173177 85929 50.3% 31-Jan-93 14:50:32 kensington.DEM
585 375 35.8% 02-Feb-93 20:22:10 kensington.head
171013 84397 50.6% 09-Feb-93 21:43:58 poolesville.DEM
585 375 35.8% 09-Feb-93 22:06:48 poolesville.head
167794 75527 54.9% 09-Feb-93 21:43:16 rockville.DEM
632 360 43.0% 09-Feb-93 22:06:56 rockville.head
171315 91085 46.8% 31-Jan-93 14:08:00 sandyspring.DEM
585 374 36.0% 02-Feb-93 20:27:50 sandyspring.head
162834 78994 51.4% 09-Feb-93 21:42:38 seneca.DEM
632 358 43.3% 09-Feb-93 22:07:18 seneca.head
169161 83340 50.7% 31-Jan-93 14:06:24 washington.DEM
632 375 40.6% 02-Feb-93 20:28:02 washington.head
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1367222 686661 49.7% 09-Feb-93 22:40:20 16 files
Contents of pix/3dobj/vdem-md-dc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 96944 173685 55.8% -lh5- 635c Jan 31 1993 gaithersburg.DEM
[generic] 375 585 64.1% -lh5- 5ece Feb 2 1993 gaithersburg.head
[generic] 87477 173422 50.4% -lh5- 2859 Jan 31 1993 germantown.DEM
[generic] 376 585 64.3% -lh5- 53c2 Feb 2 1993 germantown.head
[generic] 85929 173177 49.6% -lh5- d983 Jan 31 1993 kensington.DEM
[generic] 375 585 64.1% -lh5- 8895 Feb 2 1993 kensington.head
[generic] 84397 171013 49.4% -lh5- 2c80 Feb 9 1993 poolesville.DEM
[generic] 375 585 64.1% -lh5- 3b2c Feb 9 1993 poolesville.head
[generic] 75527 167794 45.0% -lh5- e634 Feb 9 1993 rockville.DEM
[generic] 360 632 57.0% -lh5- df5d Feb 9 1993 rockville.head
[generic] 91085 171315 53.2% -lh5- 86bf Jan 31 1993 sandyspring.DEM
[generic] 374 585 63.9% -lh5- fbc5 Feb 2 1993 sandyspring.head
[generic] 78994 162834 48.5% -lh5- 2597 Feb 9 1993 seneca.DEM
[generic] 358 632 56.6% -lh5- b405 Feb 9 1993 seneca.head
[generic] 83340 169161 49.3% -lh5- 6ca5 Jan 31 1993 washington.DEM
[generic] 375 632 59.3% -lh5- 351a Feb 2 1993 washington.head
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 16 files 686661 1367222 50.2% Feb 19 1993
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