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Short:Imagine object collection: Times font
Download:pix/3dobj/Times.lha - View contents

   This Imagine 3D object comes from the Imagine collection, "Imagine PD
3D", published by Graphic Detail Inc.

    Imagine PD 3D contains thousands of Imagine 3D objects in many
categories including Anatomy, Animals, Aviation, Botany, Buildings,
Computers, Electronics, Furniture, Grocery, Household, Kitchen, Land,
Logos, Misc., Music, Phones, Robots, Space, Sports, Ships, Vehicles, Toys,
Tools, Video, Weapons and many others.

    Imagine PD 3D also contains the IFF & Targa textures (along with
thumbnail rederings) of Texture Gallery, a regular $44.95 value!

    Imagine PD 3D will be available starting August 1, 1996. The regular
retail price of Imagine PD 3D is $29.95 + shipping. If you mention the
Aminet special when ordering directly from Graphic Detail, you may
purchase Imagine PD 3D for only $20.00 plus FREE shipping to anywhere in
the world! You must mention "the Aminet special" when you place your order
to get the special $20.00 price.

    Contact info:

Graphic Detail Inc.
4556 South Third Street
Louisville Ky. 40214 USA
502-363-2986 - voice & fax                                              
  1-800-265-4041 - U.S. orders only - email address

All orders are shipped within 24 hours 

Mastercard & Visa are accepted

U.S. & International dealer inquiries are welcome.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   98738   31048 68.5% 17-Jun-96 16:09:04 +Times.iff
   14538    5779 60.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +0.iob
    4950    1947 60.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +1.iob
   11214    4501 59.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +2.iob
   15750    6407 59.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +3.iob
    5466    2135 60.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +4.iob
   10566    4242 59.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +5.iob
   14970    5969 60.1% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +6.iob
    3438    1332 61.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +7.iob
   18942    7782 58.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +8.iob
   15186    6076 59.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +9.iob
    6762    2579 61.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +A.iob
   15054    6063 59.7% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +B.iob
   12726    5003 60.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +C.iob
   12162    4816 60.4% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +D.iob
   11214    4505 59.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +E.iob
   10350    4162 59.7% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +F.iob
   15102    6015 60.1% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +G.iob
   10782    4298 60.1% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +H.iob
    5382    2100 60.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +I.iob
    7542    2942 60.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +J.iob
   11646    4640 60.1% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +K.iob
    6894    2642 61.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +L.iob
   10782    4304 60.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +M.iob
    8406    3281 60.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +N.iob
   14322    5669 60.4% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +O.iob
   11082    4403 60.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +P.iob
   19290    7994 58.5% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +Q.iob
   12378    4872 60.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +R.iob
   14886    5875 60.5% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +S.iob
    7758    3040 60.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +T.iob
   12726    4949 61.1% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +U.iob
    5598    2163 61.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +V.iob
    9270    3613 61.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +W.iob
   12510    4915 60.7% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +X.iob
    8622    3390 60.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +Y.iob
    6678    2624 60.7% 19-Oct-94 20:06:12 +Z.iob
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  493682  188075 61.9% 01-May-96 13:59:38   37 files

Contents of pix/3dobj/Times.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                31048   98738  31.4% -lh5- 7ecc Jun 17  1996 times/Times.iff
[generic]                 5779   14538  39.8% -lh5- 86b3 Oct 19  1994 Times/0.iob
[generic]                 1947    4950  39.3% -lh5- c516 Oct 19  1994 Times/1.iob
[generic]                 4501   11214  40.1% -lh5- bf31 Oct 19  1994 Times/2.iob
[generic]                 6407   15750  40.7% -lh5- ce93 Oct 19  1994 Times/3.iob
[generic]                 2135    5466  39.1% -lh5- 32f8 Oct 19  1994 Times/4.iob
[generic]                 4242   10566  40.1% -lh5- e506 Oct 19  1994 Times/5.iob
[generic]                 5969   14970  39.9% -lh5- e478 Oct 19  1994 Times/6.iob
[generic]                 1332    3438  38.7% -lh5- e827 Oct 19  1994 Times/7.iob
[generic]                 7782   18942  41.1% -lh5- 49e6 Oct 19  1994 Times/8.iob
[generic]                 6076   15186  40.0% -lh5- 1ffd Oct 19  1994 Times/9.iob
[generic]                 2579    6762  38.1% -lh5- fce3 Oct 19  1994 Times/A.iob
[generic]                 6063   15054  40.3% -lh5- be68 Oct 19  1994 Times/B.iob
[generic]                 5003   12726  39.3% -lh5- 5552 Oct 19  1994 Times/C.iob
[generic]                 4816   12162  39.6% -lh5- 868a Oct 19  1994 Times/D.iob
[generic]                 4505   11214  40.2% -lh5- 9d61 Oct 19  1994 Times/E.iob
[generic]                 4162   10350  40.2% -lh5- ecf0 Oct 19  1994 Times/F.iob
[generic]                 6015   15102  39.8% -lh5- 94ca Oct 19  1994 Times/G.iob
[generic]                 4298   10782  39.9% -lh5- 040b Oct 19  1994 Times/H.iob
[generic]                 2100    5382  39.0% -lh5- af5f Oct 19  1994 Times/I.iob
[generic]                 2942    7542  39.0% -lh5- d536 Oct 19  1994 Times/J.iob
[generic]                 4640   11646  39.8% -lh5- 5f19 Oct 19  1994 Times/K.iob
[generic]                 2642    6894  38.3% -lh5- 53e9 Oct 19  1994 Times/L.iob
[generic]                 4304   10782  39.9% -lh5- 29d9 Oct 19  1994 Times/M.iob
[generic]                 3281    8406  39.0% -lh5- 94ba Oct 19  1994 Times/N.iob
[generic]                 5669   14322  39.6% -lh5- 18cc Oct 19  1994 Times/O.iob
[generic]                 4403   11082  39.7% -lh5- 59e4 Oct 19  1994 Times/P.iob
[generic]                 7994   19290  41.4% -lh5- 5612 Oct 19  1994 Times/Q.iob
[generic]                 4872   12378  39.4% -lh5- 7396 Oct 19  1994 Times/R.iob
[generic]                 5875   14886  39.5% -lh5- fc4d Oct 19  1994 Times/S.iob
[generic]                 3040    7758  39.2% -lh5- 304c Oct 19  1994 Times/T.iob
[generic]                 4949   12726  38.9% -lh5- 942c Oct 19  1994 Times/U.iob
[generic]                 2163    5598  38.6% -lh5- c541 Oct 19  1994 Times/V.iob
[generic]                 3613    9270  39.0% -lh5- 4b06 Oct 19  1994 Times/W.iob
[generic]                 4915   12510  39.3% -lh5- 85c0 Oct 19  1994 Times/X.iob
[generic]                 3390    8622  39.3% -lh5- 9a45 Oct 19  1994 Times/Y.iob
[generic]                 2624    6678  39.3% -lh5- a450 Oct 19  1994 Times/Z.iob
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        37 files  188075  493682  38.1%            May  1  1996
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