84782 packages online
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Short: | 14400 Generic-Modem Object for MC4D-4 |
Author: | society amigascne.org (Dennis Paulisch) |
Uploader: | society amigascne org (Dennis Paulisch) |
Type: | pix/3dobj |
Version: | 0.00 |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1999-07-29 |
Download: | pix/3dobj/Modem.lha - View contents | Readme: | pix/3dobj/Modem.readme |
Downloads: | 316 |
Benötigt: MaxonCinema4D V4 Professional
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Nice that you downloaded my Cinema4DObject, I hope you enjoy it!
First of all you need MaxonCinema4D Version 4 Professional!
You found it on some Amiga-Magazines or you can use MC4D on Mac/PC
You also can use any kinds of convertors like MagicLink!
But its designed on an Amiga 12oo/o3o/fPU *1oMB rAM* not in any trash!
In the same drawer you found an Example (Modem.jpg) of the Object.
If you want to use this Object in any projects you must put my name and
my homepage url in you readme!! Thx ;)
Greetz goes to 4pLaY, Case, Eddy, sAINT and all the other rSE mEMBERS
vISIT uS oN http://resistance.ourfamily.com
The Modem-Object are ©1999 by CBArts
Support: http://www.cbarts.de.cx
eMail : society@amigascne.org
Contents of pix/3dobj/Modem.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 16265 33424 48.7% -lh5- 2ad4 Jul 22 1998 Modem.c4d
[generic] 213 371 57.4% -lh5- c3bb Apr 12 1998 Modem.c4d.info
[generic] 83824 83824 100.0% -lh0- 2419 Jul 26 1998 Modem.jpg
[generic] 1383 4234 32.7% -lh5- c1e1 Jul 29 1999 Modem.readme
[generic] 380 1632 23.3% -lh5- 56d6 Apr 12 1998 texturen/Modemback.bsh
[generic] 1908 5808 32.9% -lh5- 10d4 Apr 12 1998 texturen/Modemfront.bsh
[generic] 217 1752 12.4% -lh5- 4a7d Apr 12 1998 texturen/Modemside.bsh
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 104190 131045 79.5% Jul 29 1999
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