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Short:Imagine object collection: Computers
Download:pix/3dobj/Computer.lha - View contents

   This Imagine 3D object comes from the Imagine collection, "Imagine PD
3D", published by Graphic Detail Inc.

    Imagine PD 3D contains thousands of Imagine 3D objects in many
categories including Anatomy, Animals, Aviation, Botany, Buildings,
Computers, Electronics, Furniture, Grocery, Household, Kitchen, Land,
Logos, Misc., Music, Phones, Robots, Space, Sports, Ships, Vehicles, Toys,
Tools, Video, Weapons and many others.

    Imagine PD 3D also contains the IFF & Targa textures (along with
thumbnail rederings) of Texture Gallery, a regular $44.95 value!

    Imagine PD 3D will be available starting August 1, 1996. The regular
retail price of Imagine PD 3D is $29.95 + shipping. If you mention the
Aminet special when ordering directly from Graphic Detail, you may
purchase Imagine PD 3D for only $20.00 plus FREE shipping to anywhere in
the world! You must mention "the Aminet special" when you place your order
to get the special $20.00 price.

    Contact info:

Graphic Detail Inc.
4556 South Third Street
Louisville Ky. 40214 USA
502-363-2986 - voice & fax                                              
  1-800-265-4041 - U.S. orders only - email address

All orders are shipped within 24 hours 

Mastercard & Visa are accepted

U.S. & International dealer inquiries are welcome.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  112042   43914 60.8% 17-Jun-96 16:07:34 +Computer.iff
    3696    1118 69.7% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +1000.iob
   68334   35358 48.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:02 +A_2000.iff
   34906   12926 62.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:02 +A_2000.iob
  114784   99819 13.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:02 +Joystick.iff
   56328   20713 63.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:02 +Joystick.iob
   81622   29325 64.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +2000_2.iob
   23832    9447 60.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +2000_3.iob
   64934   24179 62.7% 19-Oct-94 20:06:02 +3000fkey.iob
   67660   22632 66.5% 19-Oct-94 20:06:02 +A3000.iob
    7595    3477 54.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:02 +A3000.txt
   89038   19390 78.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:02 +Keyboard.iob
    2829    1456 48.5% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Keyboard.txt
   10036    5119 48.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Amiga.iob
   15754    5499 65.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Amigabal.iob
   15174    4722 68.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Diskbox.iob
   53454    6163 88.4% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Diskbox2.iob
  200952   74339 63.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Bulbjoin.iob
    3640    1460 59.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Ceramicc.iob
   35160   12820 63.5% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Chip.iob
  181272   59123 67.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Chip2.iob
   27900   10629 61.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Diode.iob
   26522    9099 65.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Elec_cap.iob
   38856   19017 51.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Henry.iob
     841     476 43.4% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Readme
   21784    7621 65.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Resistor.iob
   17258    5955 65.4% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Resistr2.iob
  180510   76982 57.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Faxmachi.iob
    4910     448 90.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Floppy3.iff
   15036    5499 63.4% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Floppy3.iob
    2862    1514 47.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Readme
    8744    3318 62.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Floppy.iob
     216     151 30.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Readme
    3234    1608 50.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Floppy2.iob
   73710   27732 62.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:04 +Keyboard.iob
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 1665425  663048 60.1% 01-May-96 13:59:38   35 files

Contents of pix/3dobj/Computer.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                43914  112042  39.2% -lh5- 2088 Jun 17  1996 computer/Computer.iff
[generic]                 1118    3696  30.2% -lh5- 2fda Oct 19  1994 Computer/1000.iob
[generic]                35358   68334  51.7% -lh5- d29a Oct 19  1994 Computer/2000/A_2000.iff
[generic]                12926   34906  37.0% -lh5- 3678 Oct 19  1994 Computer/2000/A_2000.iob
[generic]                99819  114784  87.0% -lh5- 7553 Oct 19  1994 Computer/2000/Joystick.iff
[generic]                20713   56328  36.8% -lh5- c7e3 Oct 19  1994 Computer/2000/Joystick.iob
[generic]                29325   81622  35.9% -lh5- a683 Oct 19  1994 Computer/2000_2.iob
[generic]                 9447   23832  39.6% -lh5- c016 Oct 19  1994 Computer/2000_3.iob
[generic]                24179   64934  37.2% -lh5- 5e08 Oct 19  1994 Computer/3000/3000fkey.iob
[generic]                22632   67660  33.4% -lh5- 0363 Oct 19  1994 Computer/3000/A3000.iob
[generic]                 3477    7595  45.8% -lh5- 4d03 Oct 19  1994 Computer/3000/A3000.txt
[generic]                19390   89038  21.8% -lh5- 93af Oct 19  1994 Computer/3000/Keyboard.iob
[generic]                 1456    2829  51.5% -lh5- 04b8 Oct 19  1994 Computer/3000/Keyboard.txt
[generic]                 5119   10036  51.0% -lh5- 462f Oct 19  1994 Computer/Amiga.iob
[generic]                 5499   15754  34.9% -lh5- fabb Oct 19  1994 Computer/Amigabal.iob
[generic]                 4722   15174  31.1% -lh5- 7f4d Oct 19  1994 Computer/Diskbox.iob
[generic]                 6163   53454  11.5% -lh5- 1ea6 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Diskbox2.iob
[generic]                74339  200952  37.0% -lh5- 138f Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Bulbjoin.iob
[generic]                 1460    3640  40.1% -lh5- c6df Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Ceramicc.iob
[generic]                12820   35160  36.5% -lh5- 652b Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Chip.iob
[generic]                59123  181272  32.6% -lh5- 0064 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Chip2.iob
[generic]                10629   27900  38.1% -lh5- f5cc Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Diode.iob
[generic]                 9099   26522  34.3% -lh5- eee0 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Elec_cap.iob
[generic]                19017   38856  48.9% -lh5- 4f1d Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Henry.iob
[generic]                  476     841  56.6% -lh5- c432 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Readme
[generic]                 7621   21784  35.0% -lh5- 7200 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Resistor.iob
[generic]                 5955   17258  34.5% -lh5- 1749 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Electron/Resistr2.iob
[generic]                76982  180510  42.6% -lh5- b109 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Faxmachi.iob
[generic]                  448    4910   9.1% -lh5- 3688 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Floppy/2/Floppy3.iff
[generic]                 5499   15036  36.6% -lh5- d70c Oct 19  1994 Computer/Floppy/2/Floppy3.iob
[generic]                 1514    2862  52.9% -lh5- 24d9 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Floppy/2/Readme
[generic]                 3318    8744  37.9% -lh5- a478 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Floppy/Floppy.iob
[generic]                  151     216  69.9% -lh5- b6ad Oct 19  1994 Computer/Floppy/Readme
[generic]                 1608    3234  49.7% -lh5- 2a1b Oct 19  1994 Computer/Floppy2.iob
[generic]                27732   73710  37.6% -lh5- f044 Oct 19  1994 Computer/Keyboard.iob
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        35 files  663048 1665425  39.8%            May  1  1996
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